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Entering your practice settings

Entering your practice settings

In this guide, we'll walk through entering your practice settings for your SimplePractice account. To navigate to your practice settings, click Settings.


 You'll see the Settings landing page first: 


Below, you'll find more details about the following practice settings: 

Note: Keep in mind that all of the settings listed above are only available to the Account Owner or a Practice Manager. A team member's roles will determine which settings they can access in their account. See Team member roles and access levels to learn more about what the settings menu will look like for each role. 

My Profile

In this section, there are two different tabs at the top: 

  • Personal: This section includes your name, date of birth, profile image, account email address, mobile phone number for verification, and an option to update your account password. If you make any changes on this page, you'll have to make sure to enter your current account password for those changes to save. 


  • Clinical: This section is where you can enter your license type, license number, license expiration date, license state, individual NPI number, specialty, and taxonomy code. 


Make sure to Save any changes that you make. 

Note: See Identifying your taxonomy code for claims if you need help finding your taxonomy code. 

Tip: Anytime you see the question mark icon in your SimplePractice account, you can hover your cursor over it to get more help about the topic at hand. 

My Practice

In this section, there are two different tabs at the top, Details and Locations

Details: This is where you'll manage your practice name, practice email, time zone, practice logo, practice phone, and your practice's cancelation policy.

    • Practice Name: This will display on billing documents and in the Client Portal
    • Time Zone: You can select one time zone here for your entire practice. To learn more, see Setting your practice time zone
    • Practice Email: This is the email address that will appear on billing document emails. You can leave this blank if you don't want your clients to see this email address.
      • All billing document emails will be sent from the SimplePractice no-reply email address
      • For additional details on SimplePractice email addresses, see Explaining your Account and Practice Emails.
    • Practice Logo: Add your practice's logo for use on your SimplePractice documents. You can upload .jpg or .png files, with a minimum size of 200px height and 300px width.
    • Phone: You can enter a phone number that will appear on client billing documents. You can leave this blank if you don't want to include a phone number for clients to see.
    • Cancelation Policy: You can select how many hours a client can cancel without penalty. See Setting up your practice's cancelation policy to learn more about these options.

Locations: This is where you'll manage all of your practice locations, including your Telehealth office if Telehealth is enabled.

  • Office Location(s): This is where you'll enter your office name and address. Click Edit to make any adjustments or add additional locations by clicking Add a Location. You can also select the insurance place of service and color. Refer to our guide on Adding office locations to learn more. 
  • Telehealth Office: You'll only see this field if you have Telehealth enabled in your account. You can enter an office name and address if you'd like. You can also select an insurance place of service and color. 

Make sure to Save your changes before moving onto the next page. 


Billing and Services

This section includes five different tabs: 


If your Tax ID (EIN) or SSN doesn't populate correctly on billing documents, here's what you can do:

  • Navigate to Settings > Billing and Services > Settings
  • Under Billing Settings, locate the Tax ID or SSN field
  • Make sure that your information is entered correctly
    • A Tax ID must be formatted xx-xxxxxxx (including the hyphen), and a SSN must be formatted xxx-xx-xxxx (including the hyphens)
  • If you're formatting the entry as a SSN, you'll have the option to adjust where this populates from the drop down under Display SSN on


Notes and Forms

In this section, you can edit, create, and add templates for progress notes and intake forms. See Creating customized templates in My Notes and Forms to learn more. 



In this section, you can add the following: 

  • Logo: You can upload a practice logo to add to your printable documents. See Adding a practice logo to documents to learn more. 
  • Footer: You can enter information that will populate onto the footer of billing documents like statements, superbills, and invoices. See Adding a footer to private practice billing documents to learn more. 
  • Default email message: You can edit the default email that will get sent along with billing documents. Click Customize this email to make changes and make sure to savedocuments.simplepractice.settings.png


In this section, you can adjust the types of email notifications you receive from SimplePractice. See SimplePractice email notifications: Daily Agenda Email and Evening Summary Email to learn more about each email type. 

Insurance Payers

In this section, you can search for insurance payers you want to file claims to. You can also submit enrollments to inform the payers that you're planning to submit electronic claims through SimplePractice and/or that you want to receive payment reports through SimplePractice. 

Refer to Getting started with insurance billing to learn how to get started with insurance billing.

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