With our weekly live demos, you get access to a real-time specialist who can answer your questions related to the topic of the webinar. These 30 minute Zoom calls include a demonstration within a SimplePractice account, as well as a short presentation related to the topic.
Note: To make sure participants have the best experience, registration for each live demo is limited. If the live demo you’d like to attend is full, please see our On-demand classes and Q&As.
In this guide, we'll cover:
Saving time with SimplePractice
In this live demo, we’ll walk through automations for billing, documentation, and scheduling to ultimately reduce time focused on administrative tasks.
- Day and time: Fridays at 12 PM PT / 3 PM ET
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Click here to register for this class
The Client Experience
This live demo showcases best practices for streamlining your workflows on securely communicating, sharing forms, and billing clients using the Client Portal.
- Day and time: Tuesdays at 9:30 AM PT / 12:30 PM ET
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Click here to register for this class
Registering for a live demo
After navigating to the Zoom page to register for a live demo, choose the date and time you’d like to attend from the dropdown menu.
After making your selection, enter your details in the Webinar Registration section and click Register.
Important: Make sure to arrive within 10 minutes of the start time on the date you’ve chosen. Live demos are subject to cancellation if there are no attendees present.