In SimplePractice, you’re able to edit your practice time zone. The time zone you use will show in the Client Portal and will determine when appointment reminders are sent to clients.
- Changing your time zone
- Working with clients in different time zones
- Time zone changes in the mobile app
Note: Only one time zone can be used for a practice. This setting is practice-wide, so clinicians can't select different time zones for themselves. If the practice-wide time zone is changed, this change will impact all team members.
Changing your time zone
Important: Daylight Saving Time automatically updates in SimplePractice. Calendar appointments will be kept at the same time, and they’ll be registered at Standard or Daylight time depending on what the correct time zone is.
To change the time zone for your practice:
- Navigate to Settings > My Practice
- Under Time Zone, use the dropdown to select the correct time zone for your practice
- Click Save Information
Note: When selecting a time zone, you’ll have the option to choose Arizona - UTC. However, these appointment reminders will always read as MST (Mountain Standard Time).
Working with clients in different time zones
Note: This feature is currently rolling out to customers in groups. If you'd like this enabled in your account early, submit a help request.
If a client is based in a different time zone than that of your practice:
- Navigate to their Overview page > Edit
- Scroll down and select the client’s Time zone
After you’ve chosen the time zone, click Save.
If the client is part of a couple, you can go to their Overview page > Edit > Clients, then select Manage for the client to access the dropdown for their Time zone.
Note: To access the dropdown for a contact’s time zone, navigate to the client’s Overview page > Edit > Contacts and click Manage for the contact. If a specific time zone isn’t assigned to a contact, they’ll receive reminders for the client’s appointments in your practice’s time zone.
Once an appointment is scheduled for the client, the appointment flyout will display the start time in their time zone.
The client’s appointment reminders will also reflect their time zone. For more information, see Setting up appointment and time of scheduling reminders.
By default, clients requesting appointments through the Client Portal will see the practice time zone set in your account. Clients can click Change when requesting an appointment in the Client Portal to see availability based on their time zone.
When clients request an appointment, the appointment request will be in the time zone you’ve set for your practice. This also applies to appointment reminders for clinicians and team members.
Time zone changes in the mobile app
The web version of SimplePractice doesn’t change time zones based on your location. Meaning, if you’re traveling and using the web app, you don’t need to edit your time zone.
If you’re using the mobile app, you have the option to either lock your practice time zone or set the app to match your device settings. To do this:
- Open the settings bar on the top left of your screen
- Tap Settings
- Leave the toggle on if you’d like to stay in your set time zone
- Turn the toggle off to use your device’s time zone
For more information on using the mobile app, see Getting started with the SimplePractice mobile app.