If you submitted a claim and later determined that it was for an appointment that didn't occur, or if it listed incorrect information, you may need to void/cancel the original claim to stop the processing of the claim, or to allow you to submit a corrected version.
Whenever a claim submission is successfully received by the payer, it begins processing right away. Simply deleting a submitted claim from your SimplePractice account will not delete the claim on the payer's end and the submission will continue to process as normal. In these instances, a voided claim can be used to indicate to the payer that they should stop processing the initial claim.
Important: Deleting claims is a permanent action. When claims are deleted, all information listed in them is deleted from our database and can't be recovered. To keep this information for your records, we recommend downloading and saving a claim to a client's profile before deleting it. See Uploading a new client file for steps on how you can store this. When deleting a claim, it’s recommended that you save the clearinghouse reference number and claim number for your records as well.
Payer requirements for voiding claims may vary, and can be dependent on the current status of a claim. To determine what's required for the payer that you're billing, you can call their Provider Services department and reference the claim using the client's DOB and the date(s) of service listed on the claim. In some cases, they may be able to void the submission while on the phone with you, or they will detail their requirements for submitting either a voided claim or a corrected claim.
Note: If the payer requires a corrected claim, you can refer to our guide that covers: When to submit a corrected claim in SimplePractice and how.
These are the steps you can take to void/cancel a claim:
Contact the payer and advise that a claim was submitted in error. Ask if this claim should be voided/canceled, so that you can submit a claim with the correct information.
- Some payers will allow you to void/cancel the claim over the phone. You can reference the claim using the client's name, member ID, dates of service and or Payer Claim # when calling.
- If the payer requires a voided/canceled claim to be submitted, request the original claim number. This number will come directly from the payer.
Open the claim that was submitted in error and click Edit to Resubmit.
- Scroll down to box 22 and select Cancelation. Please note that when you submit a claim electronically through SimplePractice, you do not need to include a frequency code.
- Enter the claim # provided by the payer in the Original Ref. Number field.
- Next, click Save and Submit.