Is there a way to add the clinician signature to consent forms that are also signed by patient
In order for our informed consents to be legal documents, I thought they needed signatures from patient as well as clinicians? Is there a way to add clinician signature to the esigned consent forms in Simple Practice?
- You can email me and I can help
Actually the way I made it allows clinician to sign. Feel free to email me
R4-6-1101. Consent for Treatment
A licensee shall:
- Provide treatment to a client only in the context of a professional relationship based on informed consent for treatment;
- Document in writing for each client the following elements of informed consent for treatment:
- Purpose of treatment;
- General procedures to be used in treatment, including benefits, limitations, and potential risks;
- The client’s right to have the client’s records and all information regarding the client kept confidential and an explanation of the limitations on confidentiality;
- Notification of the licensee’s supervision or involvement with a treatment team of professionals;
- Methods for the client to obtain information about the client’s records;
- The client’s right to participate in treatment decisions and in the development and periodic review and revision of the client’s treatment plan;
- The client’s right to refuse any recommended treatment or to withdraw consent to treatment and to be advised of the consequences of refusal or withdrawal; and
- The client’s right to be informed of all fees that the client is required to pay and the licensee’s refund and collection policies and procedures; and
- Obtain a dated and signed informed consent for treatment from a client or the client’s legal representative before providing treatment to the client and when a change occurs in an element listed in subsection (2) that might affect the client’s consent for treatment;
- Obtain a dated and signed informed consent for treatment from a client or the client’s legal representative before audio or video taping the client or permitting a third party to observe treatment provided to the client; and
- Include a dated signature from an authorized representative of the behavioral health entity.
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