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Is there a way to add the clinician signature to consent forms that are also signed by patient



  • Jordan Berry

    Agree--this is actually a legal and licensing requirement in the state of Arizona. Please add asap as the current workaround takes way too long and too many steps.

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  • Heather Huiting

    I am also a clinician in AZ and would like to see this added ASAP!

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  • Angela Seesholtz

    I’m a therapist here in the state of Arizona. I would like to see that both the clinician and the client can sign consent forms.

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  • Casey Brawner (Couples & Family Therapist)

    What is the workaround?


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  • Lindsey Watkins

    Has there been an update on this?

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  • Heather Huiting

    I figured out a work around! Create an assessment form that is called Informed Consent with your informed consent verbiage and add one for each client, sign and send to client for their signature! 

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  • Christy Brady Smith, PhD

    Heather, how are you able to get the client signature on an Assessment? I tried that but was unable to find a way to get client signature... Perhaps I missed something.

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  • Heather Huiting You can email me and I can help

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  • Kara Gasperone

    Hey, @Simple Practice support! We've been asking for this for a long time! Are there any updates to adding this feature?

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  • Briana Messerschmidt


    Having a therapist's signature is also required for the Medical Services Opt Out forms required to all therapist in California who do not accept Medi-cal.  Can the therapist signature option (and date) please be added ASAP?

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  • Emily Walton

    Another clinician in AZ wishing this was solved!

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  • Aubrey Hinton

    Agreed. Have been asking for this for years now in Simple Practice! Should be an easy addition!!! 

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  • Rye Gottesman

    A clinician in WA looking for this to be resolved as well! It is a legal issue in WA that we need to have our signatures as well. There should be an option just like there is for clients.

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  • Kirsten Infinger

    Following up here... any updates? I would like to be able to sign the Good Faith Estimate along with my clients. 

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  • Heather Huiting

    I figured out a work around! Create an assessment form that is called Informed Consent with your informed consent verbiage (or whatever form you want) and add one for each client, sign and send to client for their signature! 

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  • Kimberly Mahr

    Simple Practice: Please, it is urgently important that Informed Consents also have a signature option for the clinician!!!

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  • Heather Huiting

    I figured out a work around! Create an assessment form that is called Informed Consent with your informed consent verbiage (or whatever form you want) and add one for each client, sign and send to client for their signature! 

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  • Kimberly Mahr

    Heather - that only collect client signature. We need to also have the Clinician signature

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  • Heather Huiting

    Actually the way I made it allows clinician to sign. Feel free to email me

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  • Jackie Smith, LICSW

    we have the same issues. we are large practice with this need. I have noticed that Sessions and Therapy notes offers this solution. 

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    Therapist in Texas and all intake forms/consent forms are required to be signed by the clinician and client prior to services.  This is a MUST!  Please fix.

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  • Lesli Desai

    Clinician in Washington State; this is also a requirement here. I know it has been a requested fix/add for YEARS with SimplePractice. Please do this by end of 2024!!!

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  • Sarah Kuhle

    Agree with this! We really need Simple Practice to provide a way for us, the therapists, to sign the documents AFTER the clients do. PLEASE. This is very necessary!

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  • Selena Soni

    The work around means the consents are housed in the wrong part of the chart which the state of AZ also has a problem with...  Simple Practice really needs to do this. SP is happy to build and create CEUs they can up charge but not the things we really need.

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  • Dee Burnell


    R4-6-1101. Consent for Treatment

    A licensee shall:

    1. Provide treatment to a client only in the context of a professional relationship based on informed consent for treatment;
    2. Document in writing for each client the following elements of informed consent for treatment:
    3. Purpose of treatment;
    4. General procedures to be used in treatment, including benefits, limitations, and potential risks;
    5. The client’s right to have the client’s records and all information regarding the client kept confidential and an explanation of the limitations on confidentiality;
    6. Notification of the licensee’s supervision or involvement with a treatment team of professionals;
    7. Methods for the client to obtain information about the client’s records;
    8. The client’s right to participate in treatment decisions and in the development and periodic review and revision of the client’s treatment plan;
    9. The client’s right to refuse any recommended treatment or to withdraw consent to treatment and to be advised of the consequences of refusal or withdrawal; and
    10. The client’s right to be informed of all fees that the client is required to pay and the licensee’s refund and collection policies and procedures; and
    11. Obtain a dated and signed informed consent for treatment from a client or the client’s legal representative before providing treatment to the client and when a change occurs in an element listed in subsection (2) that might affect the client’s consent for treatment;
    12. Obtain a dated and signed informed consent for treatment from a client or the client’s legal representative before audio or video taping the client or permitting a third party to observe treatment provided to the client; and
    13. Include a dated signature from an authorized representative of the behavioral health entity.
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  • Meredith Brooks

    Has this been resolved?


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