Demographics Form Required Fields
A similar post was created 3-years ago, but the issue has not been resolved. Please make a way to edit fields and also have option to make certain fields required. Certain info like birthdate/ sex/ address are required for submitting insurance claims/ checking benefits.
You can add your vote on that issue below... and then wait three more years for it be implemented probably. -
This has been requested for so long (4 years ago) and I don't understand why we can't choose which demographic data are mandatory for our individual practices. I waste time chasing down the details from clients - when I remember to do so. Having clients and contacts be required to complete info like address and DOB for example would save me a lot of last minute hassles.
I'm just learning this functionality is unavailable and quite disappointed to say the least.
Voted for it. -
WHY oh WHY is "prefer not to say" an option under sex? Clients select this all the time and then claims can't be sent. Sometimes many sessions go by before we realize they've changed it and it creates so many headaches. There is a gender identity box right below the sex, but until insurances accept claims without male or female in place this ties the client's hands if they want to select "prefer not to say." They don't have a choice if they want their insurance to pay, so wwhy give them that option in the drop down menu? Arg, so frustrating.
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