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Demographics Form Required Fields



  • Kristy Novinski

    ^^ Absolutely this. Insurance also requires information on Spouse or Parent DOB/Address/Sex if the client is not the primary insured.

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  • Eric Secker

    You can add your vote on that issue below... and then wait three more years for it be implemented probably.

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  • Christina Jackson

    Yes, please allow us to make certain parts of the demographics form required. It is messing with my practice big time. At least 50% of my clients skip right over required fields that I have to have for billing. 

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  • Danielle Friedman, LCSW

    This has been requested for so long (4 years ago) and I don't understand why we can't choose which demographic data are mandatory for our individual practices. I waste time chasing down the details from clients - when I remember to do so. Having clients and contacts be required to complete info like address and DOB for example would save me a lot of last minute hassles.

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  • Nicole Gaskins

    We have the same issue.  We need race & ethnicity to be a required question on the demographics form.  This data is requested/required for more grant applications, etc. and we have no way of running a report or compiling this data otherwise.

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  • Melissa McCafferty

    Has there been a fix to this? Like everyone, I need the address to be required for insurance billing.


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  • Aska Yoshizu

    I'm just learning this functionality is unavailable and quite disappointed to say the least. 
    Voted for it.

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  • Luke Bigler

    I made my own demographics form and made every field required. It doesn’t auto populate like the standard form but at least I have the info if needed.

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  • Kathryn Goel

    Yes please make it so we can require answers to certain fields!

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  • Katie Wiechnicki

    Yes please! Has Simple Practice responded to this in a while?? This is a major challenge/annoyance - have to go back to pt and try to get a hold of them OR go into yet another system/portal to try to find the accurate info!!

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  • Shelly Reaves, LPC, LADAC, MAC, SAP, CTTP

    Yes please!   Let us require certain fields in the demographics.   The majority of the clients do not enter their sex and the claim can't be filed and I have to go back in and edit the demographics before filing the claim


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  • Mary Beth Harper

    Yes, would like capability to require certain demographic information, specifically DOB, address. I have added DOB to intake questionnaire but would like the auto fill and age to show up for all. Would also very much like this for client couple when setting up intake.

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  • Clive Hallam

    WHY oh WHY is "prefer not to say" an option under sex? Clients select this all the time and then claims can't be sent. Sometimes many sessions go by before we realize they've changed it and it creates so many headaches. There is a gender identity box right below the sex, but until insurances accept claims without male or female in place this ties the client's hands if they want to select "prefer not to say." They don't have a choice if they want their insurance to pay, so wwhy give them that option in the drop down menu? Arg, so frustrating.

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