Waiving outstanding balance for self-pay client
I'm waiving the outstanding balance for a self-pay client who isn't showing for appointments or responding to messages. On the Billing Page I changed the 'Write-off' amount to the full fee for these sessions and created an invoice for these credits. They are now showing as Unallocated Invoices. I tried 'adding a payment' in order to allocate the credit to the old invoices, but then that amount shows as 'Paid' for the session. Is there another way to write-off the full amount of a session so that it doesn't show as a payment by the client?
Hi y'all - i've been wondering about this for a year! and I don't see where I can edit the invoice fee.... when you say you edited the old one... what do you mean? Did you open the original invoice and do something in there? I only see where I can add a line item. What am I missing please?! and thanks! Frankly, same client did this last year and I wrote it off, so now it looks like he has a credit on his books. Not happy about that! thx!
Hi Samantha - If you open the unpaid invoice, at the top right there should be a 'More' option, and if you click on that the choices are Edit, Delete, etc. But Sandra had a good idea above, to create a new invoice with an adjusted fee, which I will try. I didn't want to edit the old invoice, because I wanted to have a record of what the fee was that I was writing off. I will report back. :)
Just figured this out. If you delete the superbill and invoice attached to the individual appts that you want to write off, you can then edit the appt. Go to the client's billing tab > find the appt > click manage > edit > and change the Write Off textbox to reflect the full amount you want to write off. Then recreate the invoice and superbill if needed. Good luck!
Hi.. I have deleted the Invoice and then gone in to edit the appointment details and I see a "write off" text box but when I click edit, it doesn't have anywhere for me to enter the write amount and it won't allow me to click on where it says "write off". What am I missing. I am spending so much time on this. I too have had to do it in the past with it showing as a credit. Ugh!
Joyce I hope you have found an answer because I am stuck in the same place. I see the "write off" column, but have yet to figure out how/where I enter this information! I have spent so much time going back and forth and the answer that the "Help" center supplies, displays a complete different page than the way it displays on my screen! Obviously, the screen has been changed and updated, but the 'Help' answer is no longer the least bit applicable! ARGH
What if you do not use the services/products write-off that I thought to do, but instead use the invoice that was created for the service that shows what the client owes which will be what you want to write off (right), in the billing section click on edit service, in the write-off box put the amount, save it. Go to the invoice, click edit, choose a product from your drop-down list then just edit the box to include the wording write-off AND amount in parenthesis and whatever else you would like it to say for your reference then save it with a zero balance. But in the description box, you will have what you need. LOL sorry trying to come up with alternatives.
I think you can change the description of the service, but not the amount, so it would still show as an outstanding balance. I ended up adding a 'service' because I had already spent way too much time on this and just wanted to be done with it! I'll have to remember to add to the amount I 'wrote off' for the year, because unfortunately it won't show that way on my SP tax report.
Hi all - I'm still on this thread - so want to send you back to read Lori's message from "19 days ago" - I followed what she said to do and it worked great! From Lori Magda - I just tried to cut and paste her directions again, but it's not letting me... See Lori's above. - admittedly it's a little odd to delete a superbill, etc... but once it was gone, I was able to fix it so the client didn't have a credit. that was most impo to me.
I don't know how to even respond to someone's response! To Lori's great response, but when I do that, it removes what the insurance has paid...sigh. I just want to waver the copay the client has not paid, as a loss actually. (these are real numbers that we need to be aware of running a business). Anyone else have this problem? Thanks.
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