Progress Note Template (DIY)
AnsweredI have been trying to find the best template for my notes. I love the box checking and the ease of that. Are there any templates anyone would mind sharing? I have been researching and it's just been overwhelming with all the options. Even sitting down to get this done seems daunting.
Hi Esmeralda - I really appreciate when clinicians share sense in reinventing the wheel. ;-) So, I've attached a link to the annotated DAP note I like to use for session notes. I'm not very techie so hopefully this works and you'll be able to see/copy the form for yourself if you like it.
Thank you! I don't see the attachment anywhere, I'm not sure how this works yet. I truly appreciate your willingness to share. I can send you my email address if that would work best (
I have about a week left on my SP trial. I've tried several EHR online platforms and I like SP, but the notes are preventing me from committing. I've always done my notes during session, but I'm not willing to type during session so I'm still writing and retyping. Better note templates would definitely help. Has anyone else found a way around this?
Hi Colleen, I'm glad you like SimplePractice so far! Many clinicians choose to use SimplePractice on a tablet (like an iPad, for example) and use a stylus (Apple Pencils are popular in our community), along with a handwriting-to-text conversion app, to write notes in session. Alternatively, you can use our mobile app to take a picture of your handwritten notes, then upload them as an attachment to the note. Or, even better, you can use our Note and Form Template Builder to create the note templates that work the best for you!
Hi Lola! To enter notes with an iPad and stylus, you do not need the Professional plan. However, you would need to use an outside handwriting-to-text conversion app. Most of our customers write their notes in the app using a stylus, and then copy and paste the resulting text into SimplePractice. I'd recommend doing some research to find a handwriting-to-text conversion app that works best for you and is HIPAA compliant.
Hi Michelle! Currently, the best way to share a template is to recreate the template in your account, or post the template on the Note And Form Template Exchange. Our team reviews the templates on the Exchange and adds them to the Template Library if they would be useful to a large number of our customers.
There is a post on the Ideas and Suggestions board for making templates sharable - here's where that is, if you'd like to support that idea!
Hi Michelle! Your friend will need to recreate the form in their account. Currently, Note and Form Templates are not sharable.
Stacy, are the Note and Form Templates you've created marked as "For Progress Notes" in the drop-down menu next to the template name while you're viewing it? Make sure that it's listed as a Progress Note template to find the templates you've created. If you're still having trouble, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team using the red Help button in your account - that way, we can log into your account directly and see exactly what's going on.
Hi Gillian,
I have recently bought an Ipad Pro & an apple pencil. I prefer to write my notes because it helps me with my conceptualization and thought organization. I am having difficulty figuring out how to EASILY get my written/drawn notes into Simple Practice.
Also, my handwriting is bad enough that the handwriting-to-text features don't work great. My notes also have arrows that I've drawn, underlines, etc also. So it would be ideal to just have the actual drawn/written note in my clients file.I've seen that you wrote about about this issue but I'm still a bit confused. You wrote that "Most of our customers write their notes in the app using a stylus, and then copy and paste the resulting text into SimplePractice." Would this only work if I was using the handwriting-to-text features of an existing app?
You also mentioned a process where Simple Practice users "can use our mobile app to take a picture of your handwritten notes, then upload them as an attachment to the note. Or, even better, you can use our Note and Form Template Builder to create the note templates that work the best for you!". When I tried this technique, I had trouble because I didn't see a place to ADD NOTE in the app. I can add a note on the website. Am I doing something wrong? -
Hi Christopher, yes, you would only be able to write your notes in the app using a stylus and then copy/paste the resulting text to SimplePractice if you're using an existing app's handwriting-to-text feature.
For your workflow, I'd suggest doing the following:
1. Write/draw your note outside of SimplePractice
2. Log in to SimplePractice's full web version on your phone or tablet (not the app)
3. Navigate to the note that you'd like to attach a photo to
4. Tap "Attach New Document"
5. Select "Take Photo or Video"
6. Snap a picture of your written/drawn note and upload it to the note
Let me know how that goes for you.
I tried this and ran into two problems.
1. Even though my iphone camera works fine, when I tried to use "take a photo" after tapping "attach new document" the camera was black and wouldn't take a photo.
2. I did not see an "attach new document" feature under psychotherapy notes, only progress notes.
Can you provide any information that might help me here? Thanks!
Hi Margaret, it sounds like SimplePractice doesn't have permission to use your iPhone's camera. You can check on your iPhone under Settings > SimplePractice > Camera > Make sure that the toggle is green. You cannot attach documents to psychotherapy notes, only progress notes. Our app is designed not to save the photo to your camera roll or store the photo in the cloud; as a best practice, we always recommend checking with the regulatory bodies in your state regarding HIPAA compliance of the technology you use and your unique phone setup.
Thanks for clarifying! Two more questions:
1. I use it on the phone, over the web, not the app. Does that make a difference?
2. Any chance a feature will be added allowing the attachment for psychotherapy notes? Or is there another way I can easily electronically file my hand written psychotherapy notes?
Margaret, happy to help. It won't make a difference between using the mobile or web version of SimplePractice - neither will save images to your camera roll. While we don't currently have plans to add a feature that will allow you to add attachments to psychotherapy notes, one thing you could do is upload an image of the handwritten psychotherapy notes to the Stored Documents section of the client's chart. However, it won't be associated with a date of service if you do this.
That's helpful, thanks. I went to the Settings, then Simple Practice, but there is no camera listed under the access allowances, and I have a new iphone 8, so it should be there. Is there another way to access it? I went to the Camera setting and didn't see anything for Simple Practice under it.
Gillian, I've been looking through these comments because I've been trying to figure out how to upload my old handwritten notes in the SP portal under some current clients. When I attach the document to the note and make a note in the progress note section to say something like "see attached note", the attachment doesn't print when I go to print the note. Or should I be taking a photo of the note? Then, when you export the records, will the attachments print along with them?
Hi, all. I am reading this as I have just purchased an iPad and pencil to take notes during session. I do a lot of EMDR (so of course take "written" notes during that) but also take handwritten notes during non-EMDR sessions. I bought the iPad and pencil on the recommendation of others in the Simple Practice FaceBook group because they use it to take notes during sessions as an alternative to paper, and I like it - although it's been a week. My problem is the same as stated above- I don't want my handwriting converted to text. It's terrible and I do genograms, charts, etc. that don't convert well. Someone recommended an app that works great in that I can write directly into Simple Practice, but it tries to convert my handwriting into text- and it's a nightmare. I've tried to cut and paste various things into my SP Progress Note but nothing else works. I'd really like my handwritten note to be in my Psychotherapy Note section, but for now I'm just making it an attachment.
Hi All,
Since Gillian's last comments, we've introduced a feature enhancement that allows you to attach documents to Progress Notes. The best way to add handwritten notes to your Progress Notes for clients is by adding them as attachments.
Jill, you're correct, when you print the Progress Note the attachment doesn't get printed as well; however, you'll be able to click on the attachment from the Progress Note to print it out separately. You can add an attachment through the Mobile App, or your browser.
If you add the attachment on your mobile app, you'll be given the option to take a picture and use it as an attachment.
Here is how you'd add a photo attachment to a Progress Note:
Next, select the "Take Photo" option, pictured here:
From your web browser version, click on the Appointment to add a Progress Note, scroll down past the Progress Note and before the Psychotherapy Note to find the Add New Document button:
If you're using an iPad and have the ability to write notes on your iPad, or mobile device, you could download the SimplePractice app and attach screenshots of these notes to the appointment's Progress Note.
Here is more on notes in SimplePractice: How to use progress and psychotherapy notes
Hello, I am also looking to find a template for creating counseling progress notes that is as "check boxy" as possible so as to increase my productivity. If this thread still works, and anybody reading can please email me a check box template you use, I'd be eternally grateful. My email is Thank you ahead of time!
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