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Can I upload WORD or PDF?




  • Gillian

    Hi Andrea, you can easily upload a PDF file to SimplePractice for your clients to download during the intake. Just visit My Account > Settings > Client Portal > Shared Documents and Files and upload a read-only PDF. Let me know if that helps with your question. 

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  • Alisha A. Teague

    I see part of this question was answered but she also asked if it's possible to upload a WORD or PDF to integrate with templates? I'm also looking for that answer as well. 

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  • Gillian

    Hi Ally, Word or PDF documents cannot be integrated with SimplePractice's Note and Form templates currently. 

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  • Teri Davis

    I need to upload Consults from other practitioners (VA) who are referred over to me, BUT NOT for client's eyes.  How can I do this so then I can see them in their electronic file but the client can not see them.

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  • Gillian

    Hi Teri, you can upload these to the Uploaded Documents of the client's chart. The client cannot access these files unless you explicitly choose to share them with the client through the Share button. 

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  • Patricia Artigues

    I am trying to upload my logo.  It keeps telling my the file is too big.  What can I do about this?

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  • Gillian

    Hi Patricia, you can resize your logo outside of SimplePractice using an image editor, then re-upload it to SimplePractice.

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  • Patricia Artigues

    That also is not working.  I had it reformatted and can't upload it.  

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  • Gillian

    Hi Patricia, I'll have a member of our team reach out to you today via email to assist with this.

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  • Seon Thompson

    Can you tell me the max size of a logo to upload without issues?


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  • Gillian

    Hi Seon, your logo must be 200x300 pixels at minimum, and must not exceed a file size of 11mb.

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  • Evelyn Ramos, MEd, LPC, PLLC


    I am trying to share a PDF will ALL of my clients.  Is adding the document one client at a time the only way to do this? 

    In light of recent events, all clients are being notified of certain changes and I cannot imagine I need to spend the time to send the document to each one of my clients. Please advise.  

    Thank you.

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  • Gillian

    Hi Evelyn, you can add a PDF under My Account > Settings > Client Portal > Shared Documents and Files, then share it with clients individually through the Share button. 

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  • Christine Roberts-Elliott

    I want to verify, we are not able to download our own assessment to simple practice?


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  • Gillian

    Hi Christine, if you'd like for your clients to be able to fill out the assessment via the Portal you'll want to create a custom Intake Form for the assessment. Here's a guide on how:

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  • Crystal Flores

    I am trying to upload a demo for patients to fill out and submit. Is there a way I can do this without it going straight to just a PDF? 

    Also, is there a way that patients can enter Insurance info and upload picture of ins. card and I

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  • Crystal Flores

    and ID 

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  • Gillian

    Hi Crystal, happy to help. SimplePractice actually already features a built-in Demographic Form that collects demographic information on clients and auto-populates it into their chart. To view the form and customize it (you have the option to add fields for Gender Identity and Insurance), visit My Account > Settings > Client Portal > Shared Documents and Files. To send it to a client, click the Share button on the client's Overview page. 


    Clients can easily upload documents to the Portal using our new Client Document Upload feature. To activate the feature, visit My Account > Settings > Client Portal and toggle the feature on using the toggle button. Then, clients can visit the Documents tab of their Client Portal to upload their insurance cards, IDs, and any other files they need to share with you securely. 

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  • shelley coleman

    Sorry if I missed it in this chain, but I am wanting to upload a document to my intake forms that can be signed by the client (i.e. not "read only").  Can you tell me how to do this?


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  • Carolyn Seplow

    I have the same question as Shelley c. I'd like to upload my own teletherapy consent form for my clients to sign. How do I do this?

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  • Gillian

    Happy to help, Shelley and Carolyn. You can add a new read-and-sign Consent Form to your SimplePractice account under My Account > Settings > Client Portal > Shared Documents and Files > +Consent Form. 

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  • shelley coleman

    So, I need to copy and paste the document where I can free text?  When I hit +consent form, there is a free text document that opens.

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  • Gillian

    Hi Shelley, yes, that's correct.

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  • Brian Griswold

    How do I make uploaded files available for my clients to download?  i.e. homework worksheets etc.


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  • Sharon Moore

    How do I delete documents I've uploaded that are attaching automatically to new patients?

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  • Ruth

    Hi Brian and Sharon - I can certainly explain where you'd find documents that you've uploaded to share with clients. I'll go over how to delete previously added documents and how to add new ones. 

    1. Go to My Account > Settings > Client Portal > Shared Documents and Files

    2. Scroll down to the Files Read Only section

    3. Click +Downloadable File to upload a document from your computer. 

    4. To remove any of the documents listed from being automatically included in your Intake Packet, uncheck the box under "INCLUDED."

    5. To delete any of these documents, hit the Delete link to the far right. 

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  • Marsha McCleskey

    I want a fillable pdf assessment form to go with each new client packet. Is that possible to upload it to my documents and then assign it to the client portal shared documents and tag it include?


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  • Ruth

    Hi Marsha - If you'd like your clients to fill out and sign a form, or document electronically through SimplePractice, you'll want to create it using our template builder. You can customize a form in our Template Library, or start from scratch. 

    Here are some guides you may find helpful along the way:

    How to use the Template Library

    My Notes and Forms: Creating customized client intake and progress note templates


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  • Amy Rondoni

    Is there a way to export patient photos/images that were uploaded into their charts? I want to create a pdf to send to a specialist. Is it possible get them from chart to a word doc? Thank you

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  • Ruth

    Hi Amy, there sure is! Go to the client's file, navigate to the UPLOADED FILES box to the bottom right and click on any of the links to generate a PDF of an uploaded document. If the document was uploaded by the client, through their Client Portal, you can do the same thing in the CLIENT UPLOADS box underneath. 

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