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Couples’ Note Template



  • Lara Willing

    That's really cool! I'm still working on all my templates, but I will definitely consider one like this. Thanks for sharing

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  • Alisha A. Teague

    How did you add the symbols in your template?

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  • Nicole “Nikki” Schwartz

    @Ally T

    Symbols like in "Ø sig Δ since last session"?

    Those are available in different keyboards across just about every device and platform, including desktops and laptops.

    Δ is delta on a greek keyboard
    Ø is fine under the "o" key in ios and in symbols in Word on windows, I think.

    ⬇️ and ⬆️ are emojis from ios.

    ∴ was harder to find... I think I copied it from the internet somewhere once upon a time and pasted it in my custom shortcuts in ios.

    Most of the symbols I've tried work just fine across simple practice (except in the messenger).

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Very nice!

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  • Barbara palau

    Hi! Thank you so much for this form! Can I use it? And if I can use it, can I upload it or do I need to create a new one from scrap? Thank you so much. Barbara

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  • Ruth

    Hi Barbara - I can clarify this for you. You'll want to use Nicole's Couples' Note Template as a guide, or reference, to build the template in your account. There isn't a way to upload another SimplePractice account's custom template into yours.

    The Notes and Forms Template Exchange is designed to facilitate an exchange of ideas between SimplePractice users on how customize their templates. You're welcome to use these examples to create your own notes, forms, or assessments; however, you can't transcribe, or share, templates between accounts through the SimplePractice platform. 

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  • Debra Bruemmer

    Great job on this, very helpful! ❤️

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  • Adriana Gil-Wilkerson

    I know it's been years since this OP's original post; I wanted to pipe in to say that I appreciate the creativity of the creator.  I would change the "persons present" list to be more inclusive and less gender role specific;

    1. All members,
    2. Partner (First/Last Initial),
    3. Partner (First/Last Initial),
    4. Some Polyam friendly choices as well
    • Additional Partner(s) and their roles and or hierarchies

    Thank you for sharing your idea!

    5. Provider (drop down with the choices of clinicians)

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