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SOAP note requiring little writing



  • Nicole “Nikki” Schwartz

    That's probably the most minimal effort SOAP more I've ever seen! Love it.

    I usually do a Gillman HIPAA note, that is different than the one in the template. Mine is mostly checklists. This gives me some ideas how I could simplify, though.

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  • Nicole “Nikki” Schwartz

    (In case you're curious, here's the link. Its based on the fillable pdf I used prior to SP.

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  • Sanjeev Singhal MD

    it looks great but how do i copy it into my notes and forms? is there a way to share this with others in a form it can be used by them without having to recreate whole form?

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  • Nicole “Nikki” Schwartz

    Sanjeev, if enough people like (heart) a form they will add it to the templates in SP. For now, you have to recreate the form.

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  • Bridget K. Caletka

    This is great! Have you done another one for subsequent sessions?

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  • Annie Biers

    So when I click on both the links to view the awesome forms you guys have created, I get a message stating I don't have permission to view the page. How do I get around this? I am eager to see if the template would fit my needs. 

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  • Samantha Campanelli, LCSW

    Thank you for sharing David and Nikole! Does anyone know if this is Medicaid compliant? I am also seeking an initial evaluation and care plan that is Medicaid compliant.


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  • Bridget K. Caletka

    How do I save this to my templates? I love it!

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  • David Flowers

    Bridget -- I haven't done any other versions of this form. If I do one for other sessions I'll post. I just use this one for all of them.

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  • David Flowers

    Bridget -- No way to save to your own templates. All you can do is 1) "heart it" so SP might add it to their library; and 2) create it for yourself in your custom templates.


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  • David Flowers

    Hey everybody, apparently not all could read the link I posted at the top, so here's a PDF version you should be able to see perfectly.

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  • David Flowers

    Samantha -- don't know about Medicaid compliance.

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  • Samantha Campanelli, LCSW

    Thank you David! I am learning about Medicaid compliance and I'll definitely use your form for ideas ! Thanks for sharing this with us!


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  • Jessica Vann

    Looks great! How do I add.

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  • Dawn O'Regan

    David, I LOVE THIS. I was trained in SOAP and this fits my type of note! How do I use it? Can I upload it into forms now? Anyone know? 


    Thanks for sharing!!!

    Dawn O'

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  • David Flowers

    Please see my explanation above to Bridget.

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  • Patricia S. Berryman, M.A., LPC, NCC


    Thanks SO much for sharing this! Like Dawn, I was trained in SOAP as well. I LOVE this note.


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  • pamela thompson

    Hi All,

    I'm brand new to Simple Practice.  I need it primarily for electronic documentation of progress notes.  I selected the "standard progress note.'  I entered client data on the calendar and clicked on the "note" icon to type my notes.  That went well and notes were entered and saved.  I presumed I'd be able to access the notes simply by clicking on the client's name.  I did this and was told no record of my notes exists.  I'm a little panicked right now as I NEED to retrieve those notes.  Somebody please help!  Where did the notes go?  I can't get answers from Simple Practice directly.

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  • Dawn O'Regan

    I really love this soap note. I would love to see how subsequent notes look as well. Also how do I upload this to my notes and documents? 



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  • David Flowers

    Hi Dawn -- I'm not sure what people mean by "subsequent notes." I just use this one note for everything. I just mark NA under First Session, then everything else is the same.

    Is there something I should be including on some other version of this form that you might make me aware of? I'm continually trying to modify/tweak my forms to make them better.

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  • David Flowers

    Pamela --

    Sounds like a tech support issue. As far as I can tell you did what you're supposed to do, but I'm not sure.

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  • Ruth

    Hi All - Thank you for continuing to contribute to this post. 

    Pamela - I’ve created a help request on your behalf so that a member of our team can investigate your note further. They’ll be reaching out to you with their findings over email. 

    Dawn - You'll want to use this template as a guide, or reference, to build a replica in your account. There isn't a way to upload another SimplePractice account's custom template to use as an electronic template in your account. If you fill it out outside of SimplePractice, you can attach it to a Progress Note as a PDF.

    Here is more on How to use Progress Notes and Psychotherapy Notes in SimplePractice.

    David - We do have a "Load Previous Note" function that you can use when entering subsequent notes. This will automatically transcribe the last session notes you had with the client onto the most recent note. 

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  • Michelle Wenge

    Hi David, 

    I love your template and am recreating it on my own profile-however I cannot see what you used for the drop down menu options on the form.  Can you also explain how you use the two different forms.  Thank you!



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  • Lorey Delap


    Your note mentions something about a "Change Checklist" for the client to fill out before the next session. Would you be willing to share that document?


    Thank you,


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  • Cheryl Sonilal

    Hello all, 

    Thank you for sharing these templates. They are very helpful. Do you have any guidance on how you use them for the EHR? Do you print and then upload to reach records? I can seem to figure out how to implement this with ease without needing to print.

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  • Gillian

    Hi Cheryl, there's no need to print your templates with SimplePractice - our EHR allows you to go completely paperless. To add a new Note Template, visit Settings > Notes and Forms and click +Add New Template. Then, you can replicate the Progress Note template that Nikki has shared here to use in your account. To use a Progress Note template, click the notebook icon on the Calendar appointment or visit the client's Overview page and click +Add Progress Note. You can then select your new template from the drop-down template menu. Let me know if you have any questions - I'm here to help. 

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  • Teresa Irvin

    I don't see that this form actually made into the library. It's an awesome form. Please let me know if I'm missing it. I can link it but I don't see it as a choice to add to my forms 

    Thank you! :)

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  • David Flowers

    I thought SP regularly reviewed form submissions and added to library. Either this isn't happening regularly, or my form didn't make the cut!

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  • Rossana Magalhaes

    This is great. The drop-down menu makes the note easier to be done in a session or right after it. I would suggest adding mood happy, at ease. 

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