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Place of Service code ( home, office, school)




  • Gillian

    Hi Helena, I'd be happy to help. You can add Locations with their proper Place of Service codes included under My Account > Settings > Practice Details. Then, set the location of each appointment on the Calendar. The Place of Service Code will automatically populate onto the claim form when it's generated. Let me know if you have any additional questions about this, or anything else SimplePractice. I'm here to help. 

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  • Ruth

    Hi Kelly - From Settings > Practice Details, you have the option of adding as many Office Locations as you'd like. Click the +Office button under Office Locations to do so. You can adjust the Insurance Place of Service for each location using the dropdown menu. 

    Here's a screenshot in my test account:

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  • Sumati Gupta

    I set the location under My Account>Settings>Practice Details, but the place of service is only generating automatically on superbills for FUTURE appointments.

    I have already entered appointments with notes for the last few weeks, and when I generate a superbill for these sessions, the place of service code does not appear. Instead, the words "Insurance Place of Service" appears WITHOUT the corresponding code.

    Is there a way to manually force the place of service code to appear so that I do not have to delete and re-enter every completed appointment?

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  • Gillian

    Hi Sumati, if locations have been assigned for the previous appointments on the Calendar, you can simply delete and recreate the old Superbills to update them with the Office Location and Place of Service Codes. Let me know if that resolves this for you. 

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  • Anne Lindsay, MS, LMFT, RMFT

    I am having to go back and recreate come receipts for clients to give to the insurances since I don't accept insurance. How do I put these codes on my receipts?

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  • Gillian

    Hi Anne, you'll want to provide Superbills to your clients for insurance reimbursement. Insurance Place of Service codes are automatically added to your Superbills when a Location is assigned to the appointment on the Calendar. If you aren't seeing the Insurance Place of Service code on your Superbills after creating them, add the Location to the appointment(s) on your Calendar, then delete and regenerate the Superbills to update them with the code.

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  • Kelly Garcia-Brauch


    I need some assistance.  I need to add multiple locations under practice details for 12-Home, 99-Other location, etc.  How do I do this?  There is no add button under practice detals to add other locations to tie it correctly to location number for Medicaid audits.  

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  • Kristin Eisenhauer

    I have a similar problem. I have that office code set up, and all that shows up on the Superbill is Insurance place of Service "(02)" versus explicitly saying Telehealth. My patient needs it to say Telehealth. Please advise. Thank you!

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  • Ruth

    Hi Kristin - Insurance payers know that the (02) indicator is for a Telehealth session.

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  • Lauren Alpert

    I don't see a drop down for location when I schedule appointments, even though I've added my office location to Simple Practice. Could anyone help with this please? 

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  • Allie Glazer

    I work in home health. Do I need to add each individual client address to designate the correct location code? Is that still HIPAA secure?

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  • Natasha Prenn

    When I go back to appointment on the calendar, I am unable to edit the place of service for appointments that have past. How do I do that? And, how do I create automatic place of service in calendar and billing so that I don't have to manually input POS for each appointment?

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  • Isabella Maguire

    When I add a place of service, even selected as private, I'm noticing they show up on my client portal. how do I make it so client homes do not show up there. 

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  • M Claire Dutrow

    Does the place of service mean where the client is located or where I am located?  Also, if the clt is at home do I list the POS as 10 and if he/she is in a parking lot outside their building do I put 2?


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