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making changes to treatment plan form




  • Gillian

    Hi Ingrid, while our Treatment Plan template isn't currently editable, you can easily add the date and time of the Diagnosis and Treatment Plan after creating it and before saving it. The entry field looks like this: 


    Let me know if you have any additional questions about this, or anything else SimplePractice. I'm here to help.

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  • Jennifer Lake


    I'm wondering if this is something that is on the current road map of features that may eventually be available?

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  • Gillian

    Hi Jennifer, we don't have immediate plans to make the Treatment Plan fields editable, but are following the feedback of our customers to continue enhancing SimplePractice. 

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  • Shelly-Ann Collins Rawle, PhD

    I'm wondering how to change or update a diagnosis. In practice we are able to do so. Doesn't seem to allow that capability here.

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  • Gillian

    Hi Shelly-Ann, to change or update a diagnosis, you can find the previously entered Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for your client, then click Edit. That way, you can update the client's existing diagnosis. To add a new diagnosis and retain the old one, use the +Create button to create a new Diagnosis and Treatment Plan. 

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  • Megan Malick

    I know there's a way to create progress note there a way to do the same for customized treatment plans?  

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  • Gillian

    Hi Megan, SimplePractice doesn't currently offer customizable templates for Treatment Plans. However, you can create Progress Note templates under My Account > Settings > Notes and Forms. Some of our customers choose to create a custom Treatment Plan as a Progress Note template, then attach that template to the client's date of service. 

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  • Amy Willcoxon

    I would love to have current medications listed in the treatment plan so that I can view the medications and dosage while I complete each session's Progress Notes. Is this possible?

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  • Peggy Derivan

    Can we use more than one progress note template on one date of service?  I made a customizable treatment plan and I use it as such, but I need to also keep a note from the initial client meeting.

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  • Gillian

    Hi Amy, apologies for our delayed response. While the SimplePractice Treatment Plan does not currently have a specific field for medication, many of our customers add a Medication section to their Progress Note templates to make it easy to keep track of this information. 


    Peggy, currently, SimplePractice supports one Progress Note per scheduled session. Some of our customers choose to add a "dummy" appointment to the Calendar with no fee for the client to use a custom Note Template. We are actively working on a feature that will allow you to add a templated Assessment to a client's chart, not linked to a date of service, via the +Create button on the client Overview page - you can vote for this idea and add your feedback here:

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  • David Sullivan

    I want to add myself to this list as a clinician that would like a more modifiable treatment plan. Further, I would like the option to manually enter a diagnosis description. I want to enter "Alcohol Use Disorder, Moderate; early remission"; F10.20 automatically enters "alcohol dependence" and I don't see a way to modify this. I saw all of the alternatives as well, none of them have what I'm looking for.

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  • Gillian

    Hi David, thanks for your feedback. There isn't currently a way to modify the diagnosis descriptions in SimplePractice, as we use the official descriptions from the ICD-10 (listed at Let me know if you have any additional questions about this, or anything else SimplePractice. I'm here to help. 

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  • Amy Carey

    I would like to add myself as a clinician who would like a customizable treatment plan form with customizable diagnosis.  Lots of great features about Simple Practice, the current treatment plan template and inability to electronically sign it are among the only issues we are running into.  Seems like these would be easy fixes.  I participate in a list serve with thousands of therapists who specialize in DBT and if you could get the customizable treatment plan with signature I would be sharing our success with Simple Practice on that site.  

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  • Chastity Ingram

    I too would like a customizable treatment plan.


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  • Susan Richardson

    Agreed. Being able to customize a treatment plan would be helpful.

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  • Susan Richardson

    Also, I would like to be able to add a new diagnosis while still having the history of any previous diagnoses in the patient's chart.  For example, if a patient's depression goes into remission, I would like to be able to update the patient's diagnosis without losing the history/dates of when the patient was in a major depression.  Right now, when I make a change, it seems to update the date for all diagnoses, and I would love to maintain the history of WHEN the client was experiencing a depression.  Please let me know if there is a way to do this. Thank you

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  • David Boyer

    I would definitely like customizable treatment plans and the ability to maintain HX of previous diagnoses

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  • Gillian

    Hi everyone, I'm happy to announce that next week, we're releasing a feature that will allow you to add templated, lockable, customizable Treatment Plans and Assessments to the client's chart, unlinked to a date of service. You can follow this post on our Ideas board for realtime updates on our progress:

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  • Chastity Ingram

    I have read the info about the recent new release but I still cannot figure out how to modify/customize the treatment plan so it displays the elements that I want. For example, I can't find a way to add a section for prognosis, etc. Am I missing something?

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  • Tameka Mack

    Is there a way we can add a signature to the bottom of the treatment plan for clients? This is something that is needed for Medicaid clients. I created a separate form but to have it one the document would be helpful.  

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  • Rose Brand

    I would like to be added to the list requesting treatments plans that can be modified and add a signature.  I would also like to be able to add target dates to the treatment plans.

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  • Ruth

    Hi Everyone,

    We're currently working on a way for clients and clinicians to be able to sign Treatment Plans, but at this point only one of you can sign it electronically. The other will have to print it out and sign it by hand. If you'd like to sign the Treatment Plan electronically, after having filled it out yourself, you can go to Settings > Notes & Forms > Template Library and add the Treatment Plans & Goals Progress Note Template. Then you can click on it from the My Notes & Forms tab to change the Template Type from Progress Note to Assessment. Finally, go to the client's Overview page > +Create New > Assessment and add the Treatment Plan, fill it out, then lock and sign it. If you'd like to send it to your client to fill out and sign, then you'll make the Template Type Intake Form, instead of Assessment, or Progress Note, after adding it to your Settings > Notes & Forms. Click the Add New button and select eSignatue as the question type in the editable form. Next, go to the client's file and hit the Share button to the top right to send it to your client to fill and sign. To provide us with feedback on how you'd like to customize Treatment Plans and add signatures, click here: 

    We look forward to hearing from you here!

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  • Jayme Limbaugh

    I would love to be able to modify the diagnosis and treatment plan.  As a RD I have a different method to track my patients goals and whether they have achieved these goals and moved on to another goal.  It wastes a lot of time to copy and paste from a bunch of different screens just so I can have the diagnosis logged to bill and then update my clients progress. I have create many new templates which has satisfied a lot and being able to see their previous notes to copy and paste today has helped immensely.  It would just be great to centralize their progress in the actual evaluation page so I can see weights and behavior changes over time.

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  • Ruth

    Hi Jayme, we've recently started to rollout our new appointments page, which allows you to view your client's Diagnosis & Treatment Plan while you enter a Progress Note. You can even place your cursor over text and a Copy button will appear to facilitate transfer of information from a Treatment Plan to a Progress Note. If you don't see this update in your account, keep your eyes peeled for an email announcing its release in your account within the coming week. You can also always hit the "Create from previous" link, if you'd like to create a new Treatment Plan and comment on, or adjust the goals previously entered. For your reference, I've attached a screenshot of the new appointments page here: 

    Let me know if there was a specific functionality you were looking for that isn't satisfied with the new appointments page layout, or by the "Create from previous" function. 

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