AnsweredHow can I translate the form in Spanish?
I do not think you can change the demographics form language. I just searched all of the “Spanish” topics I could find on the board... and it looks like you can change a lot of the consent, policies, practices, etc. type forms, as well as notes and assessments, but the demographics form looks to be something that is internal and consistent within SP interface. But you could reach out to tech support and verify? Also, that might be worth putting on the suggestions voting board?
I submitted a help ticket on this question today and received confirmation that the demographics form cannot be modified. The help desk rep said that leaving a comment on the suggestions board for the community to vote on is the mechanism for influencing change.
Here's the rep's response to me:
"Currently, SimplePractice does not offer the demographics form in Spanish. In addition, it cannot be duplicated like other forms can be, as it functions differently from other forms. However, I understand how this would benefit your practice.
As we love feedback and ideas for ways to advance the platform, I would encourage you to add the idea to have an option for a Spanish demographic form to our Ideas and Suggestions board. This board may be a great place to leave a comment and/or a vote: Spanish - demographic info, billing, and welcoming message option.
This board is one of our most important resources for understanding which features will have the most value for our community. Posting on our Ideas and Suggestions board means that members of our Product Team, as well as all members of our Community, have transparent access to review your suggestion. Other members can vote on your suggestion, and you can vote on their suggestions as well.
In the meantime, I recommend creating a demographic form as an intake form and manually inputing information into your client's chart. In addition, I would recommend reviewing the Note and Form Template Exchange board. Other SimplePractice Community members can also vote on your template, and you can vote on their templates as well. The templates that receive the most votes will be reviewed by our team for possible addition to the SimplePractice Template Library. You’ll receive notifications if the template you added or voted on has been added to the platform for use."
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