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Consent/Intake forms




  • Ruth

    Hi Sade - At this point, you'll need to print out your client's completed Intake Form, or Consent Document, and add your wet signature. You can then click the Upload button to the top right of the client's file to upload the document you just signed. 

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  • David Najera

    I would like to be able to sign the intake forms after my clients have signed them. How can I do this? 

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  • Ruth

    Hi David, you'll want to print out the PDF version of the signed forms and then add a wet-signature to it. Then you can scan the form onto your computer, hit the Uplaod button to the top right corner of your client's file to re-upload it. At this time there's no way to apply your eSignature to a form your client has signed. If you'd like us to consider adding this feature to our platform, please post to our Ideas and Suggestions Board, here:

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    both of these suggestions defeat the purpose of having an EHR system..............

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  • Brandi Lee Szabo

    I have to agree that this defeats the purpose of EHR. I'm beginning to wonder if I've made the right change from Theranest. This is becoming a disaster. 

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  • Reese Taylor,LPCC

    I need to print blank intake and consent forms

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  • Jennifer Trudgeon

    I am also having this issue.  Per the AZ board, we are required to have the therapist's signature on the informed consent documents and there is no easy way to do this aside from printing and signing the document.  This is a HUGE hassle with the number of clients we have.

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  • Franco Timpano

    Also, is there a way to halt an appointment from happening if the forms aren't all filled in? It is possible that someone could be seen without proper insurance or credit card info if they slip through the cracks.

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  • Gloria Sanchez

    I cannot access the consent and inttake forms.  I need Spanish documents.  The direction says simple practice > working with (where is that on the document option?  Why can’t i send the consent/intake forms when enter a new client?

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  • Jordan Berry

    This function is a legal and licensing requirement in the state of Arizona, as well as other states. This should have already been available, but please add asap. The votes and comments on this request on the suggestions page are extensive. Please do not delay this any longer.

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  • Alison Burke

    Has this been changed yet?

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