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  • Ayelette

    Hi Beth,

    We love feedback and ideas for ways to advance the platform, and if you have a moment I encourage you to add this idea to our Ideas & Suggestions Board. Posting on this board means that members of our Product Team, as well as all members of our Community, have transparent access to review your suggestion. This board is one of our most important resources for understanding which features will have the most value for our community.

    If you're curious, here's more information about how a customer idea can become a SimplePractice feature: Customer feedback: How a customer idea can become a feature in SimplePractice.

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  • Dan Feldman

    This is a wonderful idea!


    It should be a simple button on either the desktop or mobile platform such that the clinician can simply tap the button and the school excuse is emailed to the email address on file for the client.


    This would be a great efficiency for many clinicians who work with school aged minors.

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  • Denise Frasl

    I would like to see this as well. I am new to Simple Practice but have seen this in other systems. Does anyone know if there is a way yet to create and send and excuse to clients/parents virtually or a way to print one out?

    Thank you.

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  • Ruth

    Hi Dan and Denise, if you haven't done so already, please add this to our  Ideas & Suggestions Board. In the meantime, you can draft a note outside of SimplePractice, use the Upload button to the top right of your client's file to upload it and then hit the Share button to send the letter through the Client Portal. 

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  • Dr. Belinda Richardson

    I looked all over for a School Excuse because the system that I moved from provided this. I am surprised that it isn't available since it seems like such a simple fix.

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  • Ruth

    Hi Dr. Richardson, you can also create this as an Assessment in Settings > Notes & Forms > Create New Template. Then go to the client's Overview page > New > Assessment, select it, complete it, then download it. You can either send it to the client outside of SimplePractice, or you can re-uplaod the document by hitting the Upload button to the top right of the client's file, then hit Share to send it through the Client Portal. 

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  • Arless Rich Lewis

    Hi Ruth, 

    I really like this workaround idea for using the assessment option to create an excused absence form. However, when I use this method I keep running into the problem of when I go to print the form, it has a default that places the client's diagnostic information automatically on the form, which would violate confidentiality if I sent this to their school or work. Do you have any ideas on how I could remove the diagnostic info when creating this template? 

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  • Liane Higa

    I agree! I created my own assessment for this purpose; however, I would like an option to remove the confidential information on the top.

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  • Liane Higa

    Maybe another workaround is to add the ability to electronically sign and lock a chart note??? That way, the patient's name and DOB are the only identifying details on the note and can be used in a variety of ways???

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  • Emily Lehman

    I AGREE, I would really use a feature to generate future or past work/school excuse notes easily. 

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  • Faith (Farnoosh) Nouri

    I really need this feature too.

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  • Monica Spicer

    Yes, this is a very easy feature that should be added. Please add a school excuse. 

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  • Carolyn Simms

    I would like to have a School note aded to the forms. 

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  • Cassandra Elledge


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  • Heather Merritt

    School / work excuse would be incredibly helpful.

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  • Dr. Belinda Richardson

    This is another frustrating work around that Simple Practice has suggested that doesn't solve the problem but creates more work for the therapist. I have to use my same old way of providing the excuse because I couldn't get their suggestion to work. Things that appear simple to the provider isn't so simple to Simple Practice.

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  • Jace Daily

    Please add a school/work excuse note. There's no good option currently in SP that allows for ease of use by the therapist and personalization to the client.

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  • Marcos kito Holtzman

    So has SP done this yet??  

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  • Sandra Little

    Having a school note/excuse option in the template library would save me about 5 minutes per client per event. SP WE NEED THIS PLEASE!! Even having to modify my word doc and save a pdf in the chart to then share and email it to the client is a HUGE pain and feels harder than it should be. Please help us save time and make this more convenient. 

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  • Kim McCormick

    The ability to easily create a school excuse with the click of a button would be a HUGE timesaver for our therapists!

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  • Alicia Sandoval-Alexander, NP

    This is still very much a need. 

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  • Jessica Hundley

    SP, this seems to be such a simple add on. PLEASE consider adding this ASAP. There's no good option currently in SP that allows for ease of use by the therapist and personalization to the client, and takes more documentation time than necessary. 

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  • Jolie Daigle

    Why is this request over 4 years old? It would be so simple to do and I would consider even switching platforms for this feature. Simple Practice- get it done!

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  • Cheryl Nichols

    There is a template and samples

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  • Sandra Little

    Hi Cheryl, unfortunately I have my own version of a word doc that is similar to the template in the link you posted.  However, I believe what we are mostly looking for is an automated, few clicks to get there, solution; rather than a pdf/word doc that you still have to print, sign, scan, and attach to client file/record. I do like the wording in their template, so thank you for providing the link for others.

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  • Jolie Daigle

    Yes, Sandra, I agree. One that can be completed though client accounts and send to them like the invoices and superbills. 


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  • Arless Rich Lewis

    Yes. I agree with Jolie and Sandra. This would be a great help and improve efficiency for my practice as well! 

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  • Stacey Fletcher

    I know it isn't an optimal solution but I have added the verbiage of my school note to the Snippets section so I can create a chart note. It is much easier than having a file outside of Simple Practice. Ideally, they can create a file that we can have auto-populate all of the time/date fields but in the interim, this has been working smoother than my previous option of saving a PDF. 

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  • Heather Barcroft

    Is there any update to getting an automated school note that can be sent electronically?

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