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Sending form to all clients




  • Katie Silver, LCSW-C

    Is SP even working on this issue or looking at ways that we can push out updates Policies and Procedures, Notice of fee increase, etc?

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  • Celeste Coffman

    This feature is SO needed.  We changed locations and needed to upload a PDF and individually send to each client.  We had to do the same thing with our yearly practice policies, and then had to do it again when some state COVID regulations changed here.  SP, please work on this feature!

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  • Kristie Fuller

    Simple Practice needs to create a system for updating forms.  We, as clinicians, have certain forms that must be signed on an annual basis or updated and it is silly that simple practice can't create this feature.  I should not have to go in and individually sent an updated form -- when we have so many clients this is a tedious way to do things. 

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  • Cindy Bradford

    Our office experiences the same frustrations with SP over this exact issue!

    I can literally waste HOURS on tasks that require me to keep this information gathered and up to date for communications sent to all or the majority of clients. 

    Better reporting and the ability to extract information to a csv file is really needed. A communication tab within SP would be helpful as well where we could select/sort from the client files and email from our email address, without leaving SP.  

    If you need an example, look at FACTS (formerly RenWeb). They have an excellent communication tool. 

    Please, please act on this need. 

    Thank you. 

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  • Ginny Mills

    As a new group practice subscriber to Simple Practice, finding a suitable way to communicate with all clients is extremely frustrating. If I could export all email addresses into a csv file, then I could send blind-copy emails to all our clients through our HIPAA-compliant email. If I could share a document through Simple Practice will all clients at once, then that would be an alternative, and perhaps even a better one. But not being able to do EITHER is frustrating! How does Simple Practice propose we arrange to communicate with all our clients at once? 

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  • Cindy Bradford

    I would like to post for the second time how much this feature is needed. And point you to the communication tool in FACTS.

    We need a way to extract all information entered into the forms we request our clients to complete. 
    A way to choose what information to pull from the client portal data. 
    A true communications tab so that all clients can be contacted, easily. I understand that SP may feel they have a workable work around with the option to download a CSV file of client emails, but do you have any idea how difficult it is to keep this up? New clients come in every week, others take a break from therapy for a time, others are no longer coming but remain active until balances are paid off, etc.

    We need a tool to sort our client base as needed, by Active or Inactive, by primary therapist, insurance provider, therapy day of the week, etc. 

    We need a tool that allows for annual updated and signed forms. Even better if SP could auto track when it is time to send for updated, signed forms.

    We need a system that allows for a form(s) to be sent to all clients easily, all in one place where clients listed could be selected or deselected to receive the send out. 

    As SP stands today, it is way too time consuming to accomplish tasks that are not really the primary focus of any business, but none the less, tasks that need to be done to meet compliance, keep clients informed, etc. 

    Please make this a priority. 

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  • Ruben Hopwood, MDiv, PhD, LP

    Adding to the request for this needed functionality to send practice updates and announcements like rate increases to all clients at one time. It is a waste of clinical time to upload and send out individually an identical practice change notices that are standardized and non-specific to person. It is not HIPAA compliant to download the names and contact information for all clients in a file to a computer (CSV/V file). Please add a means to send a master document or announcement to all active clients with a single action from within the security of the electronic health record.

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  • Mieke Bryant

    Hello SP:

    Yes this feature would save a lot of time, energy, and typing.  Thanks so much.

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  • Paul Duke

    Any progress on this issue?  I'm trying to send out updated consent forms for meeting in person again!!

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  • Darcie Dunlop

    I could really use the ability to send forms to multiple clients!  I have just updated my group forms and need to send it to everyone who is in a group, and that is a lot of clients!

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  • Eric Unruh

    I have 4 therapists at my office.  I need to send all our active clients new forms to be compliant with the No Surprises Act.  We have a lot of clients.  I'm going to have to go in to each of those clients separately to send paperwork???

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  • Priscilla Perez

    This is very needed, whenever there is updates we need to ensure all active clients receive them. Not having this feature allows room for error. 

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  • Jessamyn Wesley Reibach

    Just reiterating what others have expressed, which is that a way to send policy and practice documents to all clients (without having to manually go through and send them individually), would be an enormously helpful feature.

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  • Ginny Mills

    This No Surprises Act thing creates such a crucial need to have this capability within Simple Practice. Pllleeease, make this a priority! 

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  • Rachel Pendergraft Beck

    I am here to echo what everyone else has said, WHY would we not be able to send updated forms to all clients, and have to go through multiple clicks to do a simple task that should just take a moment?? PLEASE, make it SIMPLE, Simple Practice!!! <3 

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  • Teresa Johnson

    Being able to batch send a document to all active clients would be the most helpful feature missing from Simple Practice. As others have mentioned, this is now a need for all practitioners due to the requirement that we send our Good Faith Estimate to all clients every year. If this is anywhere on SP's radar, perhaps having this available by the fall will allow us all to send out our GFEs well before January. I'm going to resend all of mine out manually this weekend to reflect an upcoming rate increase.

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  • Phyllis Weihs-Yavner

    Adding to this request for a mass email feature....PLEASE!! I feel you are holding us hostage! It is unbelievable that after all this time- this is not addressed!

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  • Tsoghig Marieann Hekimian

    I want to add to the request that sending all active clients a prompt at once would be an extremely helpful feature. I would like to send all clients assessments regularly, at least twice a year, and it would be supremely helpful if I could choose the assessment and then choose to send it to all my active clients. 

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  • Ginny Mills

    Telling us that this request (a way to send notifications to all clients through Simple Practice) has been registered as a subscriber request is not helpful. So many people want and need this feature. We've all paid more for Simple Practice this year and expect to receive more value for our money. Please, Simple Practice, prioritize this feature that so many of us want and need!  

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  • Melinda Facelli

    I would like to reiterate what others have said. We need to send updated consent forms, good faith estimates, practice information, etc. to all clients on a somewhat regular basis (yearly, when policies change, etc.) We really need a way to see a list of all clients and have the ability to select “all” or select the ones who need to receive the updated information. As one person suggested above, it would be extremely useful if Simple Practice had a place where we could easily see when the last intake, good faith estimate, and consent forms were sent and signed. Thank you!

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  • Jennifer Stoll

    I would like to add an additional comment. The lack of this type of feature has been very inconvenient in the past and now has become increasingly more inconvenient. I am the process of possibly adopting an infant with my husband and am constantly needing to provide clients' with updates as this will affect their treatment. Every time I have to give an update it takes over an hour for me to sent this out to every one of my clients individually. It would be really nice to be able to streamline this process - especially during a stressful time like this.

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  • Megan Zamora

    Has this been figured out yet? It's incredibly frustrating to have to go through EVERY CHART to send out updated forms for the year. 

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  • Douglas Marlow, Ph.D.

    This is such ineffective software. In the medical world there are times when all users forms to be sent out is necessary. I have to sit here and alphabetically send out each form for each client when this thread is two years old and no progress being made is beyond frustrating and I am going to start looking for an alternative software to move my practice. It doesn't communicate well with Moda or UHC or Blue Cross for that matter when things auto post I have to go over every detail with a fine tooth comb in order to make corrections that don't come across.

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  • Cheryl Delaney

    Hello! Just want to add my voice to this effort - I would love to have the ability to streamline updates and announcements to all clients. Thanks for considering this. 

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  • Ginny Mills

    It has been over 2 years since I joined in with others to request this capability. Since then, there have been many requests, pleas and complaints from many others. I simply cannot believe that anyone at Simple Practice thinks it is reasonable to send documents, forms or messages individually! Presumably they WANT to keep larger practices, yet this is a huge drawback for continuing to stay with Simple Practice as our group practice grows. The larger we get, the bigger this problem is for us, and the more likely it is that we take our business elsewhere. 

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  • Jennifer Stoll

    Oof - this request started two years ago and has been added to several times by other clinicians who are in agreement about how necessary this is. I am in agreement as well. I just had to update my practice fees and it has been tedious to send these updates to each one of my clients individually. I feel this could be a simple fix. 

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  • Ginny Mills

    As we approach a new year, this need is once again at the forefront of my mind, and it is extremely frustrating that Simple Practice has STILL not addressed this need! I routinely get notifications of messages in my patient portal from my doctor's office, so I know that this is possible without violating HIPAA, and it is a major pitfall of continuing with Simple Practice. 

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  • Tony Suarez

    Happy New Year! I came looking for a solution to sending out updated forms, and I came across this unfortunate thread. Come on, SP, get er done! That, along with a place for clients to upload their drivers license when inputting their demographic info...

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  • Miriam Chor Freitas

    It's very very frustrating that SP has not addressed such a CRITICAL feature for so many of us.

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  • Heidi Ligouri

    Agreed. I thought I had done this before though? I just went looking for this year and this is what I came up with.. can someone from SP please respond so we know what's currently so? 

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