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does any one know how to add a signature



  • Nicole “Nikki” Schwartz

    I don’t think there is a way on the treatment plan tab to do this. Possible workarounds might be to have another doc you send out in the assessments cat that the client electronically signs to start you’ve reviewed it together.

    I can’t think of an easy way to get their specific treatment plan signed and in the file. Everything I can think of involves lots of steps. i.e. print Tx plan, have both you and client sign, scan or upload a photo of signed copy to file.

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  • Oksana Thompson

    I really dislike having to take multiple steps to get one form signed. That's why I switched to an EHR system. I was hoping Simple Practice would have a solution for this. I put in a ticket today and hope they can resolve this, as it is necessary for us to have signatures in my state.

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  • Kimberly Mahr

    This is nuts.
    SP just added the ability for the therapist to sign the Tx Plan, but why not ALSO, *at the same time* allow a feature to send to a client for THEIR digital signature??  This is ridiculous and a basic function of an EHR.

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  • Ronan J. Aubrey

    It would be incredibly helpful if Simple Practice could add a feature that allows us to send treatment plans for our clients to sign via eSignature!

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  • Lushunda Wood

    Hi will their be a feature added so the client can signed the Treatment Plan, this is a requirement for insurance providers as well?

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  • Tiffany Kilroy

    Yes - getting client signatures on treatment plans is best practice. Will this feature be added?


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  • Brittney Cotton

    I would also like the option to add signature fields on our custom intake forms.

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  • Joanne's schedule - Ashley Blanchard

    Is there a way to add the custom signature on the intake forms yet. Doctor offices do not like the esignature. They want the clients true signature. 

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  • M. Brett Debney

    I would also like the option for treatment plans to to get an electronic signature from the client. My workaround is that I have created an assessment version of the treatment plan, where I have added fields for client signature and date. Then I download the document to my hard drive, then I upload it to the client's chart, then "share" it to the client portal. Then the client has to print it out, sign it with a pen, then upload it to the client portal. It's a ridiculous number of steps.

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  • Deborah Paster

    I need client signatures on intake forms, HIPPA, telehealth  release, release of information, but can't seem to do it. Anyone know how to do this?

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  • Kimberly Mahr

    Deborah:  SP refers to these as "consent documents" and you can learn more about them here:

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  • Del Likins

    Is there an update to the status of this request? Thanks!

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  • Wendy Douglas

    Yes, how can we get this added?

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  • Nicola Sherman

    I believe if you "Share" the treatment plan with the client then they can sign it through the client portal.

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  • Lea Hay

    Hello, is there a way that a client can sign PT notes after each visit. I do home visits and for compliance purposes it will be a lot easier if patient can digitally sign post visits.

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  • Shelli Reams

    Thanks Nicola, I just tried this and you are correct! Share it in the portal and they can sign electronically. 

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  • Bodie Coates

    I would like to add to this topic and state that most agencies will be looking for some way to share a treatment plan and then have a client sign it, stating they reviewed the document. SP suggests workarounds, such as creating a separate "I reviewed my treatment plan with my provider" consent forms, but a treatmnet plan client can sign should be a standard feature for an EHR.

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