Custom Forms and Font Preferences
Is there a way to edit the fonts when creating customized forms on Simple Practice? I'd like to be able to change font size (not just for my own viewing, but in general) and I'd like the ability to make some words bold, italicized, or underlined. It would also be nice to choose which font style. Are any of these options? If not, are they expected to become options in the near future?
Hoping this message will continue to help this thread gain traction and eventually have this issue addressed. Being able to bold, underline, and drop to a new line when completing assessments would be EXTREMELY helpful and add so much more clarity to the diagnostic criteria section, and the goals section.
I've used SP for years, and at this point am REALLY frustrated this has not been addressed. NO changes have been made re: our ability to: bold, underline (It's just plain weird that we can't underline) italicized or (unless I'm missing something) we cannot - center - the head of documents. My forms do NOT look professional.
At his point, I need to use online signatures and having my name, address etc to the far left of every document looks ridiculous. It's embarrassing.
I hope I'm wrong, and there is a way to center the top of docs.
Victoria Corbett, LCSW
1234 Absurd Street
Everything to the left is not professional
If anyone can tell me how to center the heads of my documents, I would appreciate it greatly.
Yep, I'm the original poster of this question and looks like I brought this up over one year ago... IMO this is the ONLY thing that stinks about Simple Practice! Everything else is pretty good, but for the price we pay, you'd think we'd have BASIC features such as bold, italics, underlines, and centering... maybe even some bullet features!?! How can we collectively draw more attention to this with Simple Practice? Ideas?
I've enjoyed SP for years, and this is an issue that needs to be resolved. There is an urgent need for SP to allow providers to change font size, color, and type on forms, so we can ensure our forms are in compliance with legal requirements.
Some states require providers to use specific font sizes and colors in paperwork. For example, Releases of Information in California must use at least 14-size font. Arbitration Agreements in California need certain parts written in red and bold.
I did contact SP 3x thought the years - received a thanks for your input tho it's been awhile (thinking back, it's Years ago at this point.) There must be more than a handful of providers frustrated (ok, at this point, I'm at pissed) about this. It's just so basic. All email the same day? Telephone support is by appointment only, (weird) - make appointments to stress the importance of this?
I'm so frustrated with this.
I would like my forms, letters, messages through SP to look professional as well as match my branding (font, color, etc). It's frustrating when I spend so much time on developing my brand to represent my company and services to clients. Many other marketing platforms that are more flexible in font choices, color choices, etc. in formatting options and matching a business's brand (color, font, etc.).
This may not be as urgent of a priority to SP to address as other issues. The messages, letters, emails, documents, font choice/size, formatting, etc. are marketing tools that represent us as professionals. It also represents too many others what Simple Practice is 1) lacking the ability to empower paying customers to format messages as necessary 2) lacking the ability to listen to paying customers desires and needs and 3) lacking the understanding of marketing strategies we can utilize to communicate with others through the EHR.
Our brand, letters, font, formatting of letters, emails, messages represents our personality as a therapist, not only our professionalism. If our personality is not allowed to be expressed via messages, emails, letters, etc, it limits how are able to represent ourselves to clients and professionals.
Because it seems that SP isn't really paying attention to this forum, I sent a support request with the following slightly frustrated message:
I've been a subscriber for 2 years and during that time, despite other subscribers' and my own complaints, there has been no change in the ability to customize forms/intake questionnaires/consent forms, etc. There is no ability to change font size, formatting, font or style and the result is that we are presenting forms to our clients and prospective clients that are not professional looking. I've included a URL so you can read the subscribers' frustrated conversation about this shortcoming on SimplePractice's part. We pay a substantial monthly fee, which has recently increased significantly, and yet this issue has not been remediated. A discussion about this was started a year ago and while many subscribers, including myself, have commented about their frustration with this issue, there has been no SimplePractice response at all. Please let me know how this issue is going to be fixed to your subscribers' satisfaction.
Deborah Kaplan, Psy.D.I'll be interested to see what their response is.
This is the response that I received:
Hello Dr. Kaplan,
I hope you are doing well today. I can completely understand how this would be a valuable feature for your practice.
I also understand that this has been posted on the Ideas & Suggestions board and has had upvotes and numerous comments. I would like to link a post I found concerning your request: Add text formatting options. I recommend voting on this post and adding a comment as it will help increase its visibility.
I do want to address that our team takes our customers’ feature requests seriously, and our customers are at the heart of every new feature created.
While it’s not possible for us to provide exact due dates on our features, having your direct feedback in this forum helps our team understand what features are most important for your practice, and how you would like to see this feature implemented.
Thank you for being part of the SimplePractice community and I would be happy to assist you further.
Support Specialist -
Thank you for sharing, Deborah! I clicked on the link in your message above and added my VOTE and an additional comment. I truly hope Simple Practice will make this change ASAP as so many of us seem to be requesting it and it can make a huge difference for client attention to extra important areas to focus on our forms. I encourage everyone to send a message, vote, and leave a comment. POWER IN NUMBERS!!! We are paying a pretty penny for Simple Practice and this is quite a basic feature that should be provided in the Year 2022.
So I have found one hack for forms... you can add an asterisks on either side of what you want italicized and it will be italicized on the printed version of the form. So if you type an asterisk (the little star above the 8 key) on either side of the word "Italics" in a form it will look like this: Italics when it's printed. Double asterisks on either side will bold the selected item.
After learning by accident that placing asterisks will italicize the text, I came on here to report that double asterisks help to bold, which Jay noted here; thank you Jay! How frustrating that instructions such as these aren't obviously noted somewhere.
Edit: I had to ask my brother who knows more about computers to help me. Apparently Markdown Syntax applies here (but not all the time). Instead of double asterisk, the pound key and a space will help bold text too. I was also able to create bullet points. So not only do we need to continue to keep up with all the changing rules and expectations in our profession and the insurance industry but we also have to learn on our own how to format text on this EHR.
To make type bold, use a double asterisk before and after the text that you want to be seen in bold. For example: **Writer facilitated an extended 90 minute session with patient.**
To make type italicized, use one asterisk before and after the text that you want to be seen in italics. For example: *Writer facilitated an extended 90 minute session with patient.*
I found a cheating way to indent. Basically, it is using code that is meant to be used to create a table. The trick is to have black columns for the number of spaces you want to push your text in. If I remember correctly, I think an indent is about 5 spaces. Try typing this on your line that you want indented:
| | | | | | | | | Enter whatever text you want |
Make sure you include the line ("pipe") at the end! I don't actually know how to get the pipe symbol, I just copied and pasted it from a programming site.
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