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Good Faith Estimate Form




  • Sara

    Hi Joel,

    SimplePractice currently offers this as an assessment template in the Template Library labeled as Good Faith Estimate for Health Care Items and Services.

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  • Erika Martinez

    My understanding is that the client must receive this before any services take place. As an assessment, GFE form is in the client's chart but the client can't view it. How can we get it over to the client prior to their first session? Is there any way to make this fillable form one that's sent during the on-boarding process (like we send the Informed Consent form, etc.)?

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  • Sara

    Hi Erika,

    Yes, you can change this assessment to an intake form so that it can be sent to clients and is fillable for them. To do this, go to Settings > Notes and Forms > click Edit next to the assessment template > change for Assessments to for Intake Forms.

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  • Erika Martinez


    This form can't be completed by the client. They can't provide themselves an estimate for services. 

    Ideally, it would be a form that's a hybrid of the informed consent AND autofillable like the Onboarding email that imports the client's name, clinician's name, etc. 

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  • Joel Gilbert

    I agree with Erika. If you look at the legislation, it would be something that the clinician needs to generate. See above for what needs to be in the form. 

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  • Aimee Horn

    Could SP make this form more accessible with autofilll info for each client?  We can create and fill out the basics for our own practices but these seems daunting to do for each client.  Any help with this would be great.

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  • Lisa Ellis


    I have been trying to locate this template and still cannot find it....

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  • Erika Martinez

    Lisa, log in to SP and select Settings > Notes & Forms > Template Library (at the top) > Click green "Explore Libary" button (if you haven't already) > Select All Professions from the dropdown > Scroll down the Gs (templates are in alpha order). 

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  • Lisa Ellis

    @Erika. Thank you so much! 

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  • Shari Grande

    Hi Sara,

    The Good Faith Estimate for Health Care Items and Services that SP provides is quite good.  As Joel, Aimee and Erika mentioned it is for clinician use and in Assessments.  Any way to have the form tweaked to be included with initial paperwork from clinician to client?

    Thank you everyone!


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  • Jessica Frankel

    This is not user friendly at all. Can someone from SP please work on this to auto populate and then you can send to client.

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  • Beth Rossi

    I agree, this is not user friendly.

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  • Robin K. Schnitzler

    I can't believe how much of the information on this form could be autofilled, but is not. This form is unreasonably time consuming for clinicians!

    I'd do better exporting data and creating a merge document - but even that is a LOT of work. HELP SP!!!

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  • Kimberly Kerlin

    I also didn't see any disclaimer about this not being a contract with the client. Ie. They aren't obligated to have the sessions. Did I miss it? If not, can it be added please ?

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  • Karen Vedus

    The form is not helpful for a sole practitioner who only sees couples.  And mostly, there is no way for me to modify/edit this form for me to be useful.  Is there an editable one?

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  • MacKenzie Stuart

    I'd like to see this form added to the Billing tab for each client, such that I could click on "New" and "Good Faith Estimate" instead of "Invoice," "Statement," etc. and get a form that is autopopulated with the client data to avoid all this manual entry.

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  • Robin K. Schnitzler

    This is a FABULOUS idea MacKenzie Stuart!

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  • Nikki Rubin

    This form is a great start, however as others have said, most of the information would really need to autofill/the financial information will need to be filled in by the clinician. This estimate will also be different for each individual patient. Any way to automate this would be so helpful, thanks!

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  • Carolyn F. Krysiak

    A GFE is also supposed to be given upon request to prospective clients. With so much PHI info, we need to protect it. Wondering if additional status values can be created for client records? Right now it's either active or inactive.

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  • Katie McCarthy

    I followed the instructions listed above and the only template in the "G"s is a Generalized Anxiety inventory.  Can someone please provide more info?

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  • Sally Falwell

    It might also be helpful if SP held a discussion or forum on this topic? Possible CE presentation? Something that helps practitioners understand this new requirement and best practices around implementing? Happy New Year to all!

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  • Carolyn F. Krysiak

    I'd really like to see the SP form allow fields that are populated by the client record as well as include business information and logo. I used to work with CRM systems, so depending on how the DB relationships are set up, it should be possible.

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  • Sarah Jane Cella



    Yes I see the form template, which is SUPER helpful given all the confusion and misinformation on our own in creating templates. But as a few others said - the template form created by simple practice is only editable by the client (like the ROI), and it is actually necessary that the clinician edit it before sending it out to client who simply reviews and then signs. 


    Can we make it editable from the clinician? I can make it a drop down/answer form myself if it's not able to autopopulate with client information (name/DOB), and anticipated service code(s)/fee(s) and diagnoses, but as of now the clinician cannot edit it prior to sending to client - so it's all left blank for the client to complete which isn't possible given the nature of the information. 


    Thank you!

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  • Wendolyn Ross

    The GFE needs to be under Client Email Reminders where it auto populates and is therapist specific. SP can this be done? Or, at least allow us to create auto fill forms?

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  • Rachel Harris

    I did a "test" GFE under a fake client name.  I then completed it (as much as I could but I still have a LOT of questions on how to correctly fill out), and signed it.  When I chose the "print" option, one area in particular did not auto populate!  And that section was not fillable when doing the form.....  see below, the printable form the client would receive...

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  • Sara

    Hi everyone,

    For all of these requests on how to improve the current assessment we offer and ideas on what you would like to see, I recommend adding these comments to this Ideas and Suggestions Board post: Our Product Team is actively looking for feedback and suggestions on how we can best assist our customers with this and they will be gathering that information from comments made on our Ideas and Suggestions Board to make improvements.

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  • Eris C. Schack

    Thank you Sara, but will these improvements be integrated into a usable form by the new year? We need to have a solution for this by then. Any possible timeline?

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  • Ryan Chambers

    How about that Stripe fee report we've been asking about for a year?? You guys claim you listen to your users, but you do not include simple reports that would simplify (part of your name) and streamline using your system. The more requests like this go unanswered, the less confidence your users have in your willingness to improve in meaningful ways for them. I realize the law just passed on Dec 27th, but it was in the works for two years. Will there be automation on the GFE or not? Please provide a yes or no answer ASAP so we can plan accordingly. Thank you.

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  • Katharine Clarke

    this form is pretty bad.  Billing staff typically cannot make changes to assessments. I was not able to change any of the areas where it indicates you can insert name, address, NPI.  SP usually does a much better job, What gives?


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  • Sara

    Hi everyone,

    Yes, this form is something that our Product Team is currently working on changing and improving as they are aware of the discussion around its currently functionality. Our Team has been working very diligently on completing many of the requested features on our Ideas and Suggestions Board and consistently updates the statuses on these posts to keep our customers updated with when features will be released. We have many highly requested and exciting features coming your way in 2022 that we can't wait to begin announcing very soon thanks to the feedback we have received on the Ideas and Suggestions Board.


    Additionally, we have released a new Pollen article to help answer some questions about the No Surprised Act:

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