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Transferring client data to SimplePractice

Transferring client data to SimplePractice

When you’re transitioning from another EHR or physical records to SimplePractice, we’re dedicated to making the process as seamless as possible. If you follow the steps in this guide, your existing clients can be imported directly into your new account within a few business days.

Important: We’re currently only able to import your client list. We’re unable to import clinical documentation, diagnoses/treatment plans, billing history, or your existing calendar. See Storing further information to learn more.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

Note: If you don't need to transfer any client data from another EHR or physical records, you can click X at the top right of the banner to Transfer your client data in your Clients page.

Transferring client data from another EHR

To transfer your client data to SimplePractice, you can use our client data template to upload your data. After we receive this, our team will import the data into your new account. 

Before beginning the transfer process, we highly recommend gathering your client data from your previous EHR. For more information, see I’m transferring from a different EHR. How do I export my client data from them?

Note: If you'd like to transfer your client data from one SimplePractice account to another, see Transferring client data between SimplePractice accounts.

Downloading the client data template

To begin the transfer process, you can fill out the client data template with your clients’ information. To access this template: 

  • Navigate to your Clients page and select Transfer client data


  • Review the steps and click Get started
  • Select Download blank template


Adding your client data

After opening the downloaded template, enter your clients’ data into the corresponding columns. A new row should be used for each client. 

Important: Columns marked with an asterisk * are required and can’t be blank.

The Jamie Appleseed demo client will provide an example of how the template should be completed:

Example client on template.png

Note: Once you've entered your client data, remove the demo client from the template.

When you’re filling in the template, make sure not to edit the existing column titles, or add new columns and data fields to include other information. Our team is unable to import custom data fields. 

In the table below, you’ll find an overview of each column in the template and the corresponding information we can import.

Template column  Details 
Active* (Yes/No)
  • To indicate if you’re actively seeing a client, enter Yes or No
  • Clients listed as No will be listed as Inactive
  • If you’re importing more than 500 clients, we recommend including only active clients to avoid unnecessary data
  • This is a Required column
First Name*
  • This is a Required column
Last Name*
  • This is a Required column
Name they go by
Primary Clinician*
  • Include only 1 primary clinician per client
    • The same email address can’t be used for multiple clients, as this will delay the import process
  • This primary clinician must already exist in your SimplePractice account
  • Enter the primary clinician’s name exactly as it appears in your account
  • This is a Required column
Mobile Phone
  • Include only 1 phone number per client in a 10-digit format 
    • For example, 999-999-9999
  • This is an Optional column, and can also be collected from a client via intake documents request
Home Email
  • Include only 1 valid email address per client
  • If the client is a minor or part of a couple that doesn’t have their own unique email address, leave this blank
  • This is an Optional column, and can also be collected from a client via intake documents request
Home Email ok to send email (Yes/No)
  • Each client must have a Yes or No to indicate their consent to receive emails from your practice
  • This is an Optional column, and can also specified by clients via intake documents request

Note: After successful transfer, you can update a client’s information at any time in their settings.

While you can add information to this template manually, you can also copy and paste any client data exported from your previous EHR. Make sure to update the data format where necessary to match the guidelines in the table above.

To avoid errors while completing the template, you can review our guidelines for entering data. To do this, navigate back to SimplePractice and click View guidelines.


Tip: To make sure your template is as free of errors as possible, see What template errors can be automatically detected?

Adding minors from your client list

If you have minor clients or other clients with contacts, only include information that’s unique to the client in the template. 

For example, if a minor client has their own email address, add this email address under the Home Email column. However, if they don’t have their own email address, leave this column blank.

Once the import is complete, you can manually add a contact for each client in SimplePractice. For more information, see Adding a contact to an existing minor client.

Adding couples from your client list 

Add each member of a couple as an individual client. After the import is complete, you can manually merge them as a couple client in SimplePractice. For more information, see What is the best way to create a new couple from existing clients?

You can request intakes from each individual through your intake document request. Each form they complete will be stored in their individual profile. 

If you’d like their completed intake forms to be stored in their couple profile, make sure both clients are marked as No under the Home Email ok to send email column in the template, then manually send the intake forms from the couples profile after import.

Uploading your template

Once you finish adding your client data to the template, you can upload it to SimplePractice as a CSV file.

Important: After completing the template, you’ll need to export it as a CSV file before uploading. Other file formats will not upload successfully. For more information, see How do I export my template as a CSV file?

To upload your template to SimplePractice:

  • Navigate back to your Clients page
  • Click Transfer client data > Next


  • Drag the CSV template file to the outlined box, or click Choose file to select the file for upload


Note: If you’re not the Account Owner, you’ll also need to check the box to Acknowledge approval.

  • Select Submit

If you’d like to remove a template file you’ve uploaded, select the X button next to the file name.


Important: Templates that have more than 6,001 rows or aren’t in CSV format can’t be uploaded.

Once you’ve successfully submitted your template, you’ll see the following message:


This indicates that our team has been notified and will review your template. If no errors are found, we’ll be able to create your clients’ profiles in your account typically within 1-3 business days.

Reviewing and resubmitting your template

If errors are detected in the uploaded template, you’ll be notified after uploading your template.

If columns have been added, removed, or edited in their titles, you’ll be asked to re-upload a template without these changes.


If errors are found within the client data, you’ll be able to review a summary and the location for each error.


Note: For an overview of potential errors, see What template errors can be automatically detected?

After correcting your template, save your changes by exporting the template as a new CSV file, then re-upload the new file and click Submit.

If you’re having issues with correcting your template, you can continue to re-upload and Submit with errors. Our team will reach out to assist further. 

To re-upload your template after submitting with errors, see How can I re-upload my template after your team’s review?

Note: If you exit out of the Transfer client data window during any of the steps above, you can return by navigating to your Clients page and clicking Review errors.

Sending intake documents to imported clients

Important: We highly recommend reviewing and customizing your intake forms and consent documents before sending an intake documents request to your imported clients. For more information on customizing forms and documents, see Creating customized templates.

Once our team has created a profile for each imported client, you’ll have the option of sending your clients a request to complete intake documents. This request will be sent to all imported clients with a valid email address and a Yes under the Home Email ok to send email column in the client data template.

To send an intake documents request:

  • Navigate to your Clients page and click Send intake documents request


Tip: You can also view how many imported clients will receive the intake documents request under Client list transfer complete.

  • Choose which intake forms you’d like to send


  • Click Continue to Email
  • Edit the email that’ll be sent with the intake documents request


  • Select Continue to Review
  • Click Share & Send Now

Sending an intake documents request to multiple clients is a one-time, irreversible action. You can choose to send it at a later date, or not at all. If you choose to wait, keep in mind that it can only be used to request documents from imported clients.

Note: To request intakes from clients that you add manually after transitioning to SimplePractice, see Sending intake forms and documents to clients.

Storing further information

You won’t be able to automatically transfer your current calendar, client documentation, or billing history to SimplePractice. However, you can use the following workflows to manually migrate these items to SimplePractice.

Importing appointments from your previous EHR

While there isn’t a way to directly import your calendar from a previous EHR into SimplePractice, we recommend adding future appointments to your SimplePractice calendar manually. For more information, see Adding and managing appointments

If you’d like to sync your Apple, Outlook, or Google Calendar, see: 

Importing client documentation and billing documents

Note: This step is optional if you have another way to properly store your clients’ old notes.

We offer 3 HIPAA compliant ways for you to store and access client documentation and billing documents from your previous EHR within your SimplePractice account.

Storage method  Details
Keep a central archive of all client documentation
  • Create a zip or compressed file with all exported notes from your previous EHR
  • Upload this zip or compressed file into the Business files section of your account, if available
  • This option is best if you don’t plan to access these notes regularly
Keep archives for individual clients
Save documentation to past appointments
  • Recreate past appointments that you’d like to attach specific files to, such as previous progress notes
  • For each appointment, you can either copy and paste the text of the previous note into the progress note template, or directly attach the note file by clicking the paperclip icon in the progress note 
  • If you don’t need to charge for a previous appointment, you can perform an appointment level billing change to adjust the appointment fee to $0
  • This option is helpful for quickly accessing previous notes for regular clients

To learn how to combine PDFs to make them more easily accessible for your reference, see: 

Transferring client data from physical records

If you’re transferring from physical records, there are two options for importing your clients into SimplePractice. 

Using the SimplePractice​​ template

You can follow the same steps as you would for transferring client data to SimplePractice. However, rather than copy and paste data from another EHR, you’ll manually enter your client’s data directly into the template’s columns.

Adding each client manually

If you prefer not to use our client data template, you can manually add each client to your account. For detailed instructions, see Adding a new client and navigating your Clients and contacts list.

Note: Manually added clients aren’t eligible to receive the intake documents request for multiple clients. To request this from a manually added client, see Sending an intake.

Transferring client data between SimplePractice accounts

If you’re an existing customer transferring between SimplePractice accounts, please submit a help request so that our team can help you with this process. 

Note: To import your data from another SimplePractice account, you must be transferring from an active account. 

If you haven’t already done so, create a new free trial account and include the following information in your help request: 

  • The full name and the email address associated with the new SimplePractice account 
    • Create your new account with a different email address that’s not associated with your current SimplePractice account
  • If you were a part of a group practice, provide the Account Owner’s full name and email address associated with their SimplePractice account
    • It’s necessary to include the previous Account Owner to obtain an export of your client list and demographic data 

Important: This process must be completed before your clinician profile is deleted from the account you’re transferring from, as we’re only able to export data for active clinicians. 


Below you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about transferring client data to SimplePractice:

I’m transferring from a different EHR. How do I export my client data from them?

Below, you’ll find an overview of the data export instructions for common EHRs. 

Note: If you can’t find your previous EHR, please reach out to your EHR directly to request an export.

EHR Data export instructions
TherapyNotes Contact TherapyNotes directly to request an export
TheraNest Follow TheraNest’s guidelines for exporting client data
Office Ally Contact Office Ally directly to request a client demographics report
TherapyAppointment Follow TherapyAppointment’s guidelines for exporting client data
Practice Fusion Follow Practice Fusion’s guidelines for exporting client data
My Clients Plus Contact My Clients Plus at 877-288-5583 to request a client demographics report
TherapySites Contact TherapySites at 866-597-2674 to request a Demographics Export
Therasoft Contact Therasoft at 888-435-8203 to request an export
Yellow Schedule Send a Support Request to Yellow Schedule for more information
Full Slate Follow Full Slate’s guidelines for exporting your client list

What template errors can be automatically detected?

After uploading your client data template, you’ll be notified of any errors. To resolve these, you can correct the error(s) in the template and resubmit. Below, we’ll cover all potential errors. 

Client name

  • Missing first name
  • Missing last name

Client’s email address

  • Missing email
  • Email contains extra spaces
  • Email is missing an "@" symbol
  • Email format is invalid
  • Email is missing the username
  • Email is missing the domain name

Tip: Username refers to the unique name in an email address, while the domain name comes after the @. For example, in the email address, jamieappleseed is the username and is the domain.

Phone number

  • Missing phone number
  • Phone number must be 10 digits 

Primary clinician

  • Missing primary clinician
  • Primary clinician names must match team member names exactly 

Tip: The primary clinician name should be entered in the template as it appears in the account.

Other columns

  • Missing Yes or No for client active status
  • Missing email consent

Note: If all clients are marked as No or left blank for the Active* (Yes/No) column, you’ll receive an error message to Make sure at least one client has Yes for their active status.

Duplicate clients

  • Client already exists. To avoid duplicate client profiles, delete this client from the template.
  • Duplicate emails found

Note: If the original format of the client data template was altered, you’ll be asked to correct the format and resubmit. For more information, see Reviewing and resubmitting your template.

How do I export my template as a CSV file?

Tip: Each time you export your template, we recommend adjusting the title to differentiate one copy from another. For example, when you’re exporting the second version of your template, you can add V2 to the title.

To export a template as a CSV file in Excel (Windows):

  • When you’re viewing the file, click File > Export
  • Select Change File Type > CSV (Comma delimited)

CSV (Comma delimited).png

  • Click Save As
  • Enter a title in the File name field

File name during export.png

  • Select Save

To export a template as a CSV file in Numbers (Mac):

  • When you’re viewing the file, click File > Export To > CSV…

Selecting CSV in Numbers.png

  • Select Save…
  • Enter a title in the Save As field
  • Click Export

Export button in Numbers.png

How can I re-upload my template after your team’s review?

Our team will reach out once they’ve reviewed the template you’ve submitted. Once you’ve made their recommended changes, click reupload in your Clients page.


Check I’m working with a SimplePractice transfer team member and click Confirm.


Once this is done, you can re-upload your updated template and select Submit

My clients have been successfully imported. What are my next steps?

Once your clients are imported, you can send these clients an intake documents request

Tip: Before sending this out, we highly recommend double checking your client list and editing your intake forms and consent documents. For more information, see Managing consent forms and intake documents.

If you see minors or other clients with contacts, you can manually add the contact for each client. To learn more about minor profiles, see Enhanced Client Management for minors.

If you see clients as couples, you can manually add each individual to a couple profile. To learn more about couple profiles, see Enhanced Client Management for couples.

How do I create a zip or compressed file?

To create a zip or compressed file on Windows:

  • Locate the file or folder to zip
  • Right click the file or folder
  • Select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder


Note: This will create a new zipped folder with the same name and .zip extension in the same location.

Once the new zip folder appears in your computer, you can rename it by right clicking and selecting Rename. Double click the .zip file or folder to expand it.

To create a zip or compressed file on a Mac:

  • Locate the file or folder to compress
  • Right click the file or folder
  • Select Compress “FILE NAME”


  • If compressing multiple files, select Compress

Note: If you compress a single file or folder, the compressed version will have the name of the original item with the .zip extension. If you compress multiple items at once, the compressed file will be named

To rename your new zip file or folder, right click and select Rename. Double click the .zip file or folder to expand it.

For more information, see Compressing documents.

How do my clients access my new Client Portal in the mobile app?

If your clients are using the SimplePractice Client Portal app, they can transfer to their profile in your new practice by following the steps in the Switching profiles client guide.

How long does it take to transfer client data to SimplePractice?

Once we receive a completed template free of errors, our team will import your clients within 1-3 business days. This process can be delayed if the template is filled out incorrectly, or if a large number of clients are being imported.

Can I merge or link my accounts?

For the safety and security of your client’s information, we’re unable to merge one SimplePractice account with another. 

To become part of a SimplePractice group practice account, you can be invited by the Account Owner or a practice manager. After you're added as a new team member, you'll receive an email invitation prompting you to create your personal login for the group practice account.

Note: For information on adding a new team member, see Adding and managing team members.

Where can I find the SimplePractice template?

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