If you're a pre-licensed clinician under supervision or will be supervising pre-licensed clinicians in your group practice, you can designate a supervisor and/or supervisee in your account. This designation is important to properly review and sign notes.
In this guide, we’ll cover:
- Adding the supervisor role to a team member
- Designating a supervisee
- Reviewing and signing notes
- Adding supervisor information to billing documents and notes
- Troubleshooting access to supervisee notes
- FAQs
Note: To learn more about the supervisor role, see Team member roles and access levels.
Adding the supervisor role to a team member
Important: Before designating a supervisor, add any supervisees as team members to your group practice. Pre-licensed clinicians under supervision won’t need to add their license information or NPI number to their profile. For details on this process, see Adding a new team member.
If you’re in a group practice, you can add the supervisor role to yourself or any existing team members. To do this:
- Navigate to Settings > Team > Team members
- Select the team member you’d like to assign the supervisor role to
- Next to Role info, click Edit
- Check the box for Supervisor
- Click Continue
- Add any additional permissions as needed
- Select Continue
- Click Save changes
Designating a supervisee
Once you’ve assigned the supervisor role to yourself or another team member, you can designate supervisees. To do this:
- Navigate to Settings > Team > Team members
- Select the name of the supervisee
- Next to Clinical info, click Edit
- Toggle Under supervision on
- Select a supervisor from the dropdown menu
- Click Save
- Repeat these steps for each supervisee in your group practice
If you’re a supervisee, you can also select your supervisor through your own account. To do this:
- Navigate to Settings > Profile > Clinical info
- Next to Clinician details, click Edit
- Under Licensure type, use the dropdown menu to select Pre-Licensed
- Under Supervisor, use the dropdown menu to select supervising clinician
- Click Save
Note: A supervisor can have an unlimited number of supervisees, but a supervisee can only have one supervisor.
Reviewing and signing notes
Once a supervisor and supervisee have been designated in your account, the supervisee will have the option to either Edit or Sign and share any progress notes they write. If they select Sign and share, the progress note can be signed by the supervisee and shared with their designated supervisor for review.
Once the progress note is shared, the supervisor can review their supervisee's notes. To do this:
- Navigate to Supervision from the left navigation menu
Note: Clinicians in the supervisor role will see a Supervision counter that represents how many items of documentation are waiting for their review.
- In the Notes to sign tab, select the note you want to review
- Click Request Edits or Sign
- If you click Sign, select Sign and lock to lock the progress note and add your eSignature as the supervisor
- After you click Sign and lock, the progress note will show both the provider’s and supervisor’s signatures
Note: There currently isn't a way to customize this signature.
The Request Edits option will send the note back to the supervisee so they can make additional edits before the supervisor approves it. When this option is selected, the supervisor will be able to Edit, Delete, or Sign the note. The supervisee will see a reminder to edit and resubmit the note on the Reminders page of their account.
Note: To learn more about the process to amend, correct, or clarify a locked note, see Using progress and psychotherapy notes for individual appointments.
Adding supervisor information to billing documents and notes
You can also add supervisor information to billing documents and notes so this information automatically populates for pre-licensed clinicians in your practice. To do this:
- Navigate to Settings > Documentation > Template library
- Under Pre-licensed clinician document format, check the box next to Add supervisor info to notes and billing documents
- Edit what's listed in the Footer information textbox, if necessary
Tip: If you have multiple supervisees that may have different supervisors, don't remove the macros in the pre-filled textbox. These macros automatically fill in their supervisor's information if they have filled it out in their account settings.
- Click Save format
Troubleshooting access to supervisee notes
If your supervisor can't see your progress notes, you'll want to make sure they're logged in as a supervisor and that notes have been saved, signed, and shared. The supervisee can also navigate to Settings > Profile > Clinical info to verify if they’re under supervision and who their supervisor is.
Supervisors can access progress notes written by the supervisee by navigating to the Supervision page from the left navigation menu.
If you're ready for your supervisor to review your notes, you'll need to save the progress notes and share them with your supervisor. To learn how to do so, see Reviewing and signing notes.
Note: Supervisors can only view and sign progress notes for clients whose primary clinician is their supervisee, and/or for appointments rendered by their supervisee.
- Can a supervisor be supervised by another team member?
- I’m a supervisee with permission to unlock my signed documents. Why is this option not available?
- Why can’t I unlock my supervisee’s documentation?
Can a supervisor be supervised by another team member?
Team members with the supervisor role can’t be designated as supervisees. If the team member currently has both clinical and supervisor roles, the Account Owner or practice manager can:
- Remove the supervisor role from the team member’s current account
Make another account for the team member and assign the supervisor role
- Use the clinician’s exact name for the new account
No clinician roles should be assigned
- Supervisors, practice billers, and practice schedulers are free to add to your subscription on the Plus plan
- To use the same email address of the clinician’s current account, see Adding team members or clients using the same email address
- Designate the new account as the supervisor for the supervisees
I’m a supervisee with permission to unlock my signed documents. Why is this option not available?
Both the supervisee and supervisor’s signatures are required to lock the supervisee’s documentation. If your supervisor hasn’t signed your documentation, this may be why the option to unlock isn’t appearing.
In this case, you can have your supervisor select Request Edits for your documentation.
Once requested, you can edit and then sign and share the document with your supervisor. You’ll also be notified via email when edits are requested.
Why can’t I unlock my supervisee’s documentation?
When a progress note, other document, or diagnosis and treatment plan is locked, it can only be unlocked by the Account Owner or the supervisee. However, the supervisee requires permission to unlock their documentation, which can only be granted by the Account Owner or a practice manager.
To learn more about these permissions and how to grant them, see Adding additional team member permissions.