Insurance companies provide clients with a prior authorization number if they have a set number of authorized services that they’ll cover, or if they have an end date by which those services should occur. This authorization number needs to be included on the client’s claims for the payer to cover the authorized services.
In this guide, we’ll cover:
- Adding a prior authorization number to a client's profile
- Recording multiple authorization numbers
- Setting reminders for expiring authorizations
- Auto-populating authorization numbers on insurance claims
- Tracking the number of sessions remaining
Adding a prior authorization number to a client's profile
The Authorization tracking feature allows for the prior authorization number from a client’s file to be automatically applied to their insurance claims.
To add a prior authorization number to a client’s file:
- Navigate to the client’s Overview page
- Click Edit > Billing and Insurance
- Scroll down to Authorization tracking
Click + Authorization number
- You can record multiple authorization numbers for a single client
- Enter the prior authorization number, the number of uses, and the dates through which the authorization is valid
- Select whether the authorization is Active
- Only the active authorization will populate in box 23 of insurance claims
- Click Save Client
Note: You can also use this feature to track how many authorized appointments a client has left, even if the client doesn't have an authorization number. To do this, enter a number (such as "1") into the Prior authorization number field and continue completing the fields.
Recording multiple authorization numbers
You can record multiple authorization numbers in a client’s file. This can be for current use or for historical purposes.
Important: Only the Active authorization number will populate on insurance claims and display in the Insurance section of their client Overview page. However, only one authorization number can be Active in their file.
To change the authorization number that’s active:
- Navigate to the client’s Overview page
- Click Edit > Billing and Insurance
- Under Authorization tracking, check the box next to Active
- Click Save Client
Setting reminders for expiring authorizations
For each authorization number, you have the option to receive a reminder 1 month before the authorization expires. You’ll receive this notification in your Reminders page.
To enable reminders for expiring authorization numbers:
- Navigate to the client’s Overview page
- Click Edit > Billing and Insurance
- For the reminder in question, select Remind me 1 month before expiring
- Click Save Client
Auto-populating authorization numbers on insurance claims
A client’s Active authorization number will automatically populate in box 23 of insurance claims:
Prior authorization numbers are payer-specific. If the client has coverage with more than one insurance company, the authorization number will automatically populate for both the primary and secondary claim.
If you’re filing a secondary claim, you’ll need to manually edit box 23 on the secondary claim form to include the correct prior authorization number. Additionally, if you are filing to a payer that doesn't require an authorization number, you’ll need to remove the authorization number before submitting the claim to the payer.
Tracking the number of sessions remaining
There are three ways you can track the number of authorized appointments remaining for a client:
Create a chart note
- A chart note can be pinned to the top of a client's Overview page by setting the date to a time far in the future
- Record the amount of authorized appointments remaining in a client's progress note or psychotherapy note
- Update the amount of authorized sessions remaining in the Client Notes section of a Client Info page