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telehealth video issues



  • Chris Pressler

    Same thing is happening here. I've tried the mobile app and my computer and both have had the same problem. Super annoying and when I am now losing client sessions because of it, it's costing me money. This is a problem.

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  • Jessica Latin, MA, LPC-S, NCC, PMH-C

    I'm having the same issue. Had to use Zoom today instead because it would not work after three attempts of logging out and logging back in. Client could see me but couldn't hear me. I couldn't see or hear them. This has happened all week long and last week. 

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  • Carolyn Altman

    The same thing happened to me with one client 2 weeks in a row.

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  • Deborah Bressler

    Yesterday I was on a telehealth session waiting for a client.  She reports that she was on as well but it never connected. 
    So we were in two different screens from the same link.   What is going on.  I heard there was an update on telehealth app.   Also there was a very long period where the camera settings would change automatically and I really had to work with the camera to get it to look right.  

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  • April Turner, LCSW

    I am having similar issues- clients are logging in and stating that they can see and hear me, but I cannot see or hear them.  I get prompts to let the client click the button, and it stays on the waiting for a client to join the image. The only common connection I can find so far is the client is using their phone, and I think they have Straighttalk service.   Has anyone gotten a response from SP on whats going on? 

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  • Stephanie Leschber

    Also having the issue just the last two days that clients join and I can't see their video even though it's on and they can see it. Their leaving and rejoining seems to fix it. 

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  • Jamie Gibbs

    I've had exactly the same issues. First time was October 31, 2024 and I can't seem to find a theme as the problem occurs randomly. I sent a request to SP on Tuesday and received no response. Very frustrated as it happens so randomly and I have to pester the client if they are online. It feels incredibly unprofessional to ask, are you online? Can you see me? Can you hear me? Refresh the screen. 10 minutes of troubleshooting to have to send them my "backup" video link for a different app completely. 

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  • Deborah Bressler

    I am still having this challenge. The clients don’t want to deal with it. The one client who was on the same time I was and we couldn’t see or hear each other is not calling me back to reschedule. I can’t believe SP is not responding. This is our livelihood and support for our clients. I may have to go to zoom. At least tech support could say they are aware of the issue.

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  • Maria Carmichael, LCSW

    I am on a family session and two out of three videos work, the third one was okay at first then the video went black. This has occurred several times, sometimes logging out and reconnecting helps but can be disappointing in several sessions.

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  • Justin Boccuti

    I have been having this issue since Friday 11/22/24 with all telehealth sessions and I'm losing revenue because of it. 

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  • Dr. Marshall Bewley

    If I use my phone and go on 5G, the issue resolves itself. But that is an issue and not sustainable.

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  • Deborah Bressler

    Used Telehealth again today.  Client went out of chat room and then when tried to reenter she was sent to another video room even though I was still in the Telehealth Room.  We need a fix  This has been going on for at least two months with no response.  Please fix or I will be forced to use zoom and cancel the telehealth subscription.  

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  • Justin Mink

    Cannot hear any of my clients.  Checked all web settings and simple practice settings.  This just started last week.  Any thoughts? 

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  • Deborah Culver, MA, LMHC

    Did anybody get resolution from Simple Practice about these issues? My side of the video has been disappearing on a regular basis.

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  • Kyle Jackson

    Same thing happening to me, starting yesterday. Clients report that my video appears very briefly when I first connect, then it immediately disappears. Happens with absolute consistency in both Chrome and Edge (both Chromium based). Does not appear to happen in Firefox....

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  • Ethan Williams

    Telehealth doesn't seem to be functioning correctly, having lots of issues trying to start sessions, sometimes clients can connect but have no video and are reporting to me that they keep getting kicked out of sessions.  Does simple practice actually look at this page?  As others have reported this is having a significant impact on my business and daily schedule.

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  • Renee McGowan

    I have been having issues with telehealth on my phone and video for months, and it has been very disruptive to my practice.  I have done multiple help requests for it, which are always marked as solved even thought it has never been solved. This is very disruptive to my practice. Telehealth sessions do not work on Android phones if either the client or the provider gets a notification or leaves the session for a second.Then they cannot see or her the other person. This has been an issue for months and still it has not been fixed. Telehealth is also very slow and lagged on my computer. 

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  • Vickie Mulkerin

    In the past week I have had troubles joining sessions (I get a "refresh your session. Your Telehealth did not load properly" message), and my clients have also had the same error. It takes repeated refreshing to be able to join. 

    We all know that SimplePractice was sold to private equity a year ago, right? So they're cutting costs to maximize profits for shareholders. That means less support, less customer service, etc. 

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  • Karen Harris

    Second week in a row that I can't see my client but they can see me. I can hear them fine, but the video screen shows me just a letter.

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  • April Turner, LCSW

    Here are a few things I have figured- it happens more if the client has logged in before the regular session starts time folks that are using prepaid phone/data services (like straighttalk) have more issues, and clearing the cache seems to help some

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  • Christina Newell Wyatt

    I'm copying someone else's as I'm having the same issue. I wanted to be on this thread. This happens randomly.

    I was on a telehealth session waiting for a client.  She reports that she was on as well but it never connected. 
    So we were in two different screens from the same link.   What is going on. 

    Also there are times when they can't hear me.  SUPER frustrating! 

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  • Sonya Brewer

    I have also been having this issue, since the last software update.  I asked one of my listserves and got a ton of responses from other therapists who are also having this issue.  I've had to start using zoom instead.  This is FRUSTRATING.  The video function is a major reason why I pay for Simple Practice, and it is not working.  And Simple Practice has basically no customer service.  It is infuriating to be paying for a service that functions so poorly and have the company take no responsibility or accountability for it.  At this point, I would expect a message from the company explaining the problem.  I'd expect a discount or partial refund.  Something to address the problem.  Argh!


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  • Constance Ulery

    I have been having trouble connecting to the video platform from my laptop this past week.  I have restarted my computer, reset my router and the test quality continues to say it is substandard.  This has not been a problem before.  I am able with my wifi to use my video platform on my phone from my SP app, but not my laptop.  It is proving to be rather inconvenient as I use EMDR on the laptop platform but cannot do this on the phone.  I am not having issues with other computer tasks or websites, only SP.

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  • Monica Todd

    Refresh your session

    Your Telehealth session did not load properly. Refreshing should resolve the issue.
    I have been having these issues since Monday morning. I contacted someone via chat, who attempted to convince me that two computers and my phone were the issue. I am very disappointed that there is extremely limited communication via telephone when I pay so much per month for this service to do what they promise. S.P., please do better. You are raising prices but not the quality of support. I have updated Chrome on both computers but still had no luck. Unfortunately, I am now taking video calls on my phone while they research the issues that are only happening on the S.P. website. Disappointed and considering moving elsewhere ...the customer support just isn't here, which is super important when running a business.
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  • Rachel Capel

    Today I encountered an issue with no video showing for my client. Client reported they were able to see themselves in the video but I could. No Issues with audio and my video worked fine. Client also reported getting a new message on their computer saying that simple practice could not connect with her video camera and microphone. 

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  • Dana Donahue

    I have a client that has been unable to utilize the microphone feature on their computer as well for the past several weeks despite trying different browsers.  There is a problem with the program in general since the recent upgrades.  This plus all the insurance/billing issues over the past month are really making me question whether I can see myself continuing to use Simple Practice much longer.  

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  • Brad Stenberg

    My client could hear but not see me. He said his screen said, “Client does not support hardware acceleration.” What does this mean anbd what can be done about it? We had to terminate the appointment.

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