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Creating invoices

Creating invoices

Invoices indicate when there’s a balance due for a client, and outlines the amount they owe for services or products rendered. To learn more about what’s included on an invoice, see Understanding invoices, statements, and superbills.

In this guide, we'll cover:

Note: For more information about the billing process, see Using the client Billing Overview page.

Understanding invoice creation

There are several ways to create invoices, and you have the flexibility to handle these processes automatically or manage them manually as needed.

Important: Until an appointment is invoiced, it's considered Uninvoiced and isn’t included in the client’s overall balance. Once an invoice is generated, the Uninvoiced amount transfers to the Client Balance to give a record of what your client owes.

Managing your invoice creation settings

You can choose whether invoices are generated automatically, or whether you’ll be manually creating them. To do this: 

  • Navigate to Settings > Client billing and insurance > Client billing documents
  • Under Automatic invoice creation, select from the following options:
    • Daily: Automatically create invoices at the end of each day. (Recommended)
    • Monthly: Automatically create invoices on the first day of each month.
    • Manually: Do not automate invoices. (Only recommended for practices with complex billing workflows)


By default, invoices are set to automatically generate on a daily basis. With this setting, an invoice will be created overnight if a client has been seen for an appointment. As a best practice, we recommend keeping this setting as is so that invoices are generated regularly for your clients, and their balances are kept up-to-date.

You also have the option to manually generate invoices or set them to auto-generate on a monthly basis. We advise that these options are only used for practices with complex billing workflows.

Note: If you manually create invoices for an appointment, automatic invoicing won’t create a duplicate invoice for that appointment.

Creating an invoice from the Calendar flyout

If you collect payment and record it at the time of an appointment, you can create an invoice and add a payment at the same time from the calendar flyout. To do this:

  • Select the appointment in the Calendar
  • Click Create Invoice & Add Payment


This will generate the invoice and prompt you to add the payment. For more information on adding a payment, see Navigating client payments.

If you'd prefer to view and customize the invoice before applying payment, you can click Create Invoice.


Once the invoice has been created, you can also view it from the calendar event.

Creating an invoice from a client's Overview page

If you've decided to generate invoices monthly or manually, you'll want to periodically create an invoice of all uninvoiced appointments. To do this:

  • Navigate to the client's Overview page
  • Click Uninvoiced


  • Select the date(s) of service
  • Click Create Invoice


Your invoice will appear with all outstanding appointments listed and you can edit it as needed. Once the client has made a payment to cover all services included on the invoice, it’ll be marked as Paid.

Note: Partially paid invoices won't be marked as Paid.

Creating an invoice from a client's Billing page

If you're reviewing a client's Billing page and see that an appointment is missing an invoice, you can create one directly from this page. To do this:

  • Click Manage next to the uninvoiced appointment
  • Select Create invoice or Create invoice and add payment if the client has already paid


  • If you choose Create invoice, review the invoice and click Save
  • If you choose Create invoice and add payment, you'll be prompted to add the payment

Creating fee adjustment invoices

If an appointment's fee changes after it's already been invoiced, click Uninvoiced or Uninvoiced Credit to create a fee adjustment invoice.


A fee adjustment invoice is a record of a change to an appointment's fee. It’s intended to adjust the client’s balance so it accurately reflects what they owe after a previously invoiced appointment’s fee has been altered. To avoid fee adjustment invoices, edit the appointment fee before the end of the day if you have invoice automation enabled.

If you need to change the fee of an appointment with an existing invoice and the client hasn't paid yet, we recommend:

Note: For more information, see Appointment level billing changes.

If the client has already paid the original invoice and the fee is reduced, see How do I update an appointment’s fee if it’s already paid?

Editing dates on invoices

When an invoice is created, it’ll populate with an Issued date and Due date.


The Issued date is the date the invoice is created, and the Due date is based on your Invoice Past Due setting. Navigate to Settings > Client billing and insurance > Client billing documents to view or change this date in your account.

This is a practice-wide setting that applies to all invoices. If you need to edit an individual invoice’s issued date or due date:

  • Open the invoice
  • Click More > Edit at the top right corner


  • Click Save after making the edit

Sending past due invoices

In your Client billing documents settings, you can indicate when an invoice is considered Past Due. This will help you stay up-to-date with your billing and identify which invoices need your attention.

To set this up:

  • Navigate to Settings > Client billing and insurance > Client billing documents
  • Under Past due invoices, use the dropdown to select the number of days to trigger a past-due designation on an invoice
  • Check the Email clients when an invoice is past due box if you want to send automated emails to your clients that have past due invoices
    • Clients will receive weekly past due email notifications for 4 weeks after the invoice has been designated as past due


After the number of days you selected has passed, if the invoice remains unpaid, the status will change to Past Due.


Note: If the selected number of days has passed and the invoice is still unpaid, there isn't a way to prevent the status from being updated to Past Due.

You can preview and customize the past due email template by navigating to Settings > Client notifications > Email.

Once a payment is applied to a past due invoice, it'll update to the Paid status. To learn how to add a client payment, see Navigating client payments.

Adding products to an invoice

Products are non-appointment items you can add to invoices to charge a client. It can include anything from books or workshops, to service charges or an initial balance.

Note: To learn more about setting up the products that you offer, see Adding a product.

You can add products that you offer as a line item to any unpaid invoice, or create standalone invoices for products. The product fee will reflect on the client’s overall balance.

Adding a product to an invoice

To add a product to an invoice:

  • Open an unpaid invoice
  • Click More > Edit


  • Click + Add Line Item


  • Click + Add for the product you want to add
    • You can add as many as you need
  • Click the X when you’re done adding products


  • After the product has been added to the invoice, you can make edits to the amount or description, as needed


  • Click Save

Creating an invoice for products only

There may be times where you need to create invoices for non-appointment fees only. In these cases, you can create stand-alone invoices to charge your client for products only. To do this:

  • Navigate to the client's Billing page
  • Select New > Invoice
  • Click Create Blank Invoice


Note: You'll only see 0 uninvoiced appointments if all existing appointments in the time frame have been invoiced. If all existing appointments aren't already invoiced, create invoices for those appointments first.

  • Click + Add Line Item
  • Select + Add for each product you want to add to the invoice
    • Click the X when you're done
  • After the product has been added to the invoice, you can make edits to the amount or description, as needed
  • Click Save


Adding appointment descriptions to invoices

You have multiple options for how services display on invoices. To choose how you'd like to display this information by default:

  • Navigate to Settings > Client billing and insurance > Client billing documents
  • Under Service description, select either Use Professional Services or Use Appointment Service and Description
    • If you select Use Professional Services, invoices will display all appointment types as Professional Services when the invoice is generated


Note: The Professional Services description is used on the invoice billing document to help protect client privacy since more descriptive appointment information is generally only required on superbills.

You can also customize this description. To do this:

  • If you haven't saved the invoice, click into the text field and edit as needed
  • If you have saved the invoice, click More > Edit and then edit the text field as needed


To have the full service code description display on the invoice:

  • Navigate to Settings > Client billing and insurance > Client billing documents
  • Select Use Appointment Service and Description under Service description


Note: You can always edit invoices individually after generating them.

Deleting invoices

Important: We don't recommend deleting paid invoices, as when an invoice is deleted, any payment associated with it becomes unallocated. If an appointment's fee has changed, we recommend editing the appointment's details instead and creating a new invoice for the adjusted fee. If a paid invoice was deleted, you can create a new invoice and allocate the payment to it. For more information, see How do I update an appointment's fee if it's already paid?

Invoices can be deleted at any time. To do this:

  • Click the invoice to view it
  • Click More > Delete


  • Click Delete Invoice

Important: Deleted invoices and other deleted documents can't be retrieved. Make sure to download the document as a PDF before deleting to keep it for your records. 


Do I need to use invoices?

In order to use our billing features, you'll want to use invoices. Invoices are required in order to indicate that you've billed a client. If invoices aren't created for an appointment, the appointment fee won't be part of the client's balance and payments will result in a credit balance.

You don't have to send these invoices to clients. They can remain in SimplePractice to indicate you've billed the client.

Important: Invoices can't be turned off; however, if you don’t intend to use the other billing features in SimplePractice, you can choose to use manual invoicing so they aren’t generated automatically. 

While you aren’t able to disable billing in SimplePractice, you can set your service rates to $0 so that clients don’t accrue a balance. This can be done at a practice-wide level, or on a client-by-client basis.

To do this for your entire practice:

  • Navigate to Settings > Services and products > Services
  • Click each service and set the Rate to $0

  • Click Save for each service

To do this for a specific client:

  • Navigate to the client’s Overview page
  • Click Edit > Billing and Insurance
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the screen
  • Set their Client Default Service rate to $0


Note: For more information about managing service codes for your practice, see Creating and using service codes and products.

Can I add sales tax to an invoice?

Many of our customers add sales tax to their invoices. You can do this by creating a sales tax "product" which can be added to any invoice.

Important: Some states require or prohibit sales tax for certain products and services.  It‘s your responsibility to verify applicable laws before charging a sales tax to a cardholder.

To add a sales tax to an invoice:

  • Navigate to Settings > Services and products > Products
  • Add a new product for sales tax with a description that works for you
  • Enter the Price as $0
    • This can later be adjusted directly on the individual invoice based on the appointment's fee


  • Return to your client's Billing page and create an invoice
  • Click Edit to customize the invoice
  • Click + Add Line Item to enter your sales tax line item
  • Click + Add to include the sales tax product you created


  • Click X to return to the invoice
  • Calculate and enter the appropriate amount of the sales tax based on the fee in the Amount field
  • Click Save at the top of the invoice

The Total listed at the bottom of the invoice will adjust based on what you've entered as the sales tax.

Am I able to add a credit card processing fee to an invoice?

Some customers choose to pass credit card processing fees to their clients. This practice, known as surcharging, is illegal in some states and limited in others.

Important: Card network rules impose detailed requirements for these types of fees, and some states prohibit them altogether. It's important to verify applicable laws and card network rules, before charging a transaction or processing fee to a cardholder.

Creating a credit card processing fee as a product

To add the processing fee to a client invoice:

  • Navigate to Settings > Services and products > Products
  • Enter a name for the fee, such as Credit Card Processing Fee or Credit Card Surcharge


  • Enter a fixed Price
    • There isn't a way to add a percentage, but you can change the processing fee when adding it to an invoice
  • Return to the client's Billing page and open the invoice, or create a new invoice for the appointment if one isn't already created
  • Click Edit in the upper right corner
    • If you don't see an edit button, check if the invoice displays a green Paid stamp
  • Click + Add Line Item just below the session fee on the invoice
  • Click + Add next to the processing fee


  • Adjust the Amount field, if needed
  • Click Save at the top of the invoice

Is it legal?

We recommend that you consult a lawyer; however, we can provide some background information on these laws, which are generally referred to as state “surcharge bans.” The scope of surcharge bans vary by state, but generally prohibits a merchant from imposing an additional fee on a cardholder in the relevant state for the privilege of using a credit card.

State surcharge laws frequently change, so it’s up to providers to be aware of their state laws before charging fees to cardholders.

Important: This is general information only and we don't intend for you to use any of it as legal advice or guidance, nor do we intend for you to use it in lieu of seeking appropriate legal counsel.

Is it compliant with card network rules?

We recommend consulting a lawyer or your merchant acquirer. However, we note that the card network rules include detailed requirements on how and when a merchant may charge such fees to cardholders. These rules are separate from the state surcharge bans discussed above. 

For example, Visa Rules and Policy include detailed requirements and restrictions that apply to three distinct categories of transaction fees: a surcharge, a convenience fee, and a service fee. These rules require, depending on the fee type, notification to Visa and that the merchant inquire as to the fee, limitations on fee amounts, disclosure requirements, and other obligations and prohibitions.

Because card network rules frequently change, it's up to providers to be aware of the applicable card network rules before charging fees to cardholders.

Important: This is general information only and we don't intend for you to use any of it as legal advice or guidance, nor do we intend for you to use it in lieu of seeking appropriate legal counsel.

Where can I update the address that displays on client invoices?

You can choose which address you’d like to display on your client invoices. To do this:

  • Navigate to Settings > Practice > Practice details
  • Scroll down to Billing addresses
  • Click Edit next to Client Billing


  • Use the dropdown menu to choose which address you’d like to display on your insurance claims and client facing billing documents such as client invoices, statements, and superbills
    • You can choose an address that’s already listed in your account or add a new one
  • Click Save

Note: To learn more about managing your office locations, see Adding office locations.

How do I update an appointment's fee if it's already paid?

There are times when a client’s responsibility is changed after the appointment has already been invoiced and paid, such as when an  electronic Payment Report (ERA) updates the client’s responsibility. Because deleting a paid invoice results in an unallocated client payment, you’ll instead want to create a fee adjustment invoice to reflect the change that took place. 

If an appointment's fee has been reduced after being invoiced and paid, follow these steps to record the billing adjustment and refund the client:

  • Adjust the client responsibility to the reduced amount if needed
  • Click Uninvoiced Credit in the Client billing summary to create a fee adjustment invoice
    • The amount of the fee adjustment invoice will be the difference between what was paid and the reduced amount



If an appointment's fee has been increased after being invoiced and paid, follow these steps to record the billing adjustment:


  • Open the new invoice and click Add Payment


The fee adjustment invoice will reflect that the increased amount has been paid.

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