The Income allocation report, available on the Plus plan, offers a detailed breakdown of exactly what composes a practice’s total revenue. It specifies income allocated to each clinician, payments for products vs. appointments, and payments by each insurance payer. You can also use this report to identify unallocated client and insurance payments, as well as find the source of adjustments.
This report allows individual clinicians to stay up-to-date on their earnings and gives group practice administrators the ability to calculate payroll.
It also allows practice billers who charge by a specific percentage of all insurance payments to calculate how much they billed within a given time frame.
In this guide, we’ll cover:
- Accessing the Income allocation report
- Exploring features of the Income allocation report
- Exporting the Income allocation report
Accessing the Income allocation report
To access this report if you’re on the Plus plan:
- Navigate to Analytics > Reports
- Click Income allocation
Exploring features of the Income allocation report
This section outlines available features in the Income allocation report, and provides information on additional features for group practices.
Below, we’ll cover:
- Navigating the Income allocation report tabs
- Filtering data in the report
- Viewing unallocated payments
- Reviewing payment details
- Closing pay periods for group practices
- Using the Past pay periods tab for group practices
Navigating the Income allocation report tabs
The Income allocation report is divided into two tabs: Current payments and Insurance payer allocation.
Group practices also have the Past pay periods tab, where they can view information about closed pay periods.
Note: For information on the Past pay periods tab, see Using the Past pay periods tab for group practices below.
The Current payments and Insurance payer allocation tabs include a Totals row at the top of the table, summing all payments in the current pay period.
Tip: Keep in mind that client payments appear based on the payment date, which may not match the date the appointment took place.
The Total client payments amount listed for a clinician is equal to the sum of invoices that meet the following criteria:
- Are assigned to that clinician
- Are marked as Paid
- Have an issue date within the selected date range
- Were paid by a payment added within the date range
Important: An invoice can only be considered Paid once the full amount of the invoice has been paid by the client.
Invoices for the amount of $0 are not displayed in the Income allocation report or the exported file.
Note: For more information on exporting the report, see Exporting the Income allocation report below.
The Total insurance payments will only include payments that were allocated to appointments where the clinician was the rendering provider.
Tip: Insurance payments will appear based on the date they were received, rather than the date of the appointment. Income received for past appointments will count toward the month in which the payments were received and not the month that the past appointment took place.
Filtering data in the report
You can filter the Current payments and Insurance payer allocations tabs of this report by date and payment source.
To filter by payment source:
- Navigate to the Current payments or Insurance payer allocations tab
- Click All Payment Sources
- Select Appointments or Products
You can also choose to include or exclude insurance payments on the Current payments tab. Setting the Include Insurance toggle to on will include the Total insurance payments column, which is equal to the sum of all insurance payments made to your practice within the time period selected in the date filter.
You can also use the Insurance payer allocation tab to view payments by each insurance payer. To do this:
- Navigate to the Insurance payer allocation tab
- Click All insurance payers
- Filter by individual insurance payer
Group practices and solo practices who previously had multiple clinicians can filter the Current payments and Insurance payer allocation tabs by clinician to filter the displayed data to only show that clinician’s billing history. To use this filter:
- Navigate to either the Current payments or Insurance payer allocation tab
- Click All clinicians and select from the dropdown menu or type the individual clinician’s name into the search box
Note: The clinician filter also includes names of deleted clinicians to allow you to track any income that might come in after they were removed from your account.
Viewing unallocated payments
If there are any unallocated payments, the Current payments tab will display a banner in which you can click View unallocated to review unallocated client and insurance payments.
In the Unallocated payments flyout, you can see the breakdown of client and insurance payments. Clicking the Client payments and credits amount takes you to the Unallocated client payments and credits page, and clicking the Insurance payments amount takes you to the Payments tab of the Insurance page with the filter set to Unallocated payments.
If a client overpaid and has a credit, this will be reflected with the abbreviation CR and will be treated as a negative amount. If the client has a balance, the amount will be treated as a positive amount.
Note: Unallocated payments will not be included in the Total allocated to clinicians or Total allocated amounts. For more information on handling unallocated amounts in payroll, see Implementing best practices for managing payroll.
Reviewing payment details
To see the details of the current pay period, click Details. If your practice has multiple clinicians, click Details in the row of an individual clinician.
Then, you’ll see a breakdown of the clinician’s income by Pay date, Service date, Payment source, Client, Client payments, Insurance payments, and Total allocated. Clicking a client’s name on this page will take you to the client’s Overview page.
To see the Payment details flyout for an individual payment, click Details in the row of the payment.
The Payment details flyout outlines the total allocated client and insurance payments, and provides details of the appointment, including the amount paid by the primary and secondary insurance payers.
Closing pay periods for group practices
Group practices have the ability to close a pay period for a snapshot of all the allocated transactions that occurred within a specific timeframe. To do this, click Close pay period from the Current payments tab.
If a group practice switches to a solo practice, the close pay period function will remain so that they can track any income that might come in for deleted clinicians.
Tip: For additional information on pay periods and best practices for managing payroll, see Calculating payroll for group practices.
Using the Past pay periods tab for group practices
Group practices can view closed pay periods by navigating to the Past pay periods tab, which includes the date range of the pay period, the date it was closed, total allocated to clinicians, and adjustments.
The Total allocated to clinicians column includes all client payments that were applied to invoices for appointments and products, and doesn’t include Adjustments.
You can view, export, and delete each closed pay period by clicking the corresponding icons in the row.
Clicking the eye icon allows you to view the details of that closed pay period, which includes the Clinician, Total client payments, Total insurance payments, Total allocated, Adjustments, and Total pay.
The value in the Total pay column is the sum of the values in the Total allocated and Adjustments columns.
Clicking the export icon will download a csv file of the closed pay period with the date and time the pay period was closed in the title. For information on the information included in the export, see Exporting the Income allocation report below.
To see the breakdown of income allocation for an individual clinician, click Details in the row for that clinician.
Here you’ll see the Payments and Adjustments tabs. You can filter the Payments tab by payment source and choose to toggle on Include Insurance to include the Insurance payments column. Click Details in a row for a specific payment to see the Payment details flyout.
Click the Adjustments tab to see the Adjustment Date, Client, Payment Type, Action, Team Member, and Total. This tab will be filtered by default to the individual clinician you selected when viewing the closed pay period, but you can filter the data in this tab further.
You can filter to a different clinician or all team members, as well as by client and action. Filtering by action allows you to see adjustments caused by a specific action, including Addition, Clinician Changed, Delete, Edit, and Refund.
For more information on adjustments, see Accounting for adjustments.
Exporting the Income allocation report
You can download the report or specific pay periods as CSV files to view and manipulate the data on your computer. The Insurance payer allocation tab can also be exported as an Excel file.
Important: Only the Account Owner, Clinicians with entire practice access, and practice billers will be able to export this report. This can also be viewed and exported by practice managers who have been granted additional financial reporting permissions.
You can click Export in the top right corner of the page when on the Current payments tab.
To export the Insurance payer allocation tab as a CSV or Excel file, click Export in the top right corner and select the file type you prefer.
The exported file will provide a complete spreadsheet that includes client names, payments, dates of service (DOS), and links to all allocated payments received within the report’s date range. It also includes all invoices and claims that were allocated at the time the pay period was closed.
Note: Invoices for the amount of $0 are not displayed in the report or export.
The export also includes three columns with information about adjustments, their dates, and actions.
Important: Once the report has been exported from your account, it’s your responsibility to securely manage the PHI included in the file.