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Requesting a new insurance payer connection

Requesting a new insurance payer connection

SimplePractice uses multiple clearinghouses to provide customers with as many insurance plans as possible for electronic claim filing. If a payer you need to submit claims to isn’t available in your account, you can request that we establish a connection to it through one of our clearinghouses. 

In this guide, we’ll cover:

Searching for payers in your account

Before requesting we add a connection, you’ll want to confirm it isn’t already added under a different name or payer ID. To search SimplePractice’s list of payers that currently have a claim filing connection:

  • Navigate to Settings > Client billing and insurance > Payers
  • Click Search available payers

  • Enter the payer or plan name in the search bar

Insurance payers often use different payer IDs depending on the clearinghouse they’re working with. Because of this, some payer IDs are unique to SimplePractice. If you see several options with similar names, try specifying the search until you find the correct plan. 

If you’re able to find the payer in question, click + Add to add it to your Payers list.

If you can’t find the correct plan, please reach out to our team.

Requesting a new connection

If you’d like to request a new payer connection, we’ll first need to verify with our clearinghouse that it isn’t already added under a different name or ID. To do this, please submit an email help request with the following information: 

  • The payer's full name
  • An email or other contact information from the payer
  • The payer’s website
  • The physical address the payer uses for claim submissions

If you’ve uploaded the client’s member ID card to their profile, you can include their secure URL in the request

Our team will follow up with you to confirm whether the payer is added under a different name or if there isn’t a connection. If there isn’t a connection, we’ll request that our clearinghouse creates one. 

Note: Adding a new connection can take time, and we can’t guarantee that our clearinghouse will be able to. If we’ve confirmed that the plan doesn’t have a connection, you can create and submit claims outside of SimplePractice while we work on adding the connection.

Reviewing recently added payers

The table below lists all new connections that have been added to SimplePractice since October 1, 2024

Payer ID Payer name
98653 Coeur Plan Services
RP011 Stones River Regional IPA - Wellcare
IHS28 Community Preferred Healthcare
RP010 Stones River Regional IPA - Amerivantage
SX022 WPS Health Insurance
SKNE0 Medicaid Nebraska 
R3469 Pace at Hudson Headwaters


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