If you have a question related to a specific client or claim, we highly recommend including the secure client URL or the secure claim URL along with any relevant details when submitting the request to our team. Providing the secure URL not only increases how quickly our team can investigate your question, but it's also a HIPAA-compliant way to communicate with us about a specific client without including PHI. In this guide, we’ll cover:
Note: To learn more about how to submit PHI with your help request, see Submitting PHI with your help request.
Sharing a secure client URL
If you’re referencing a specific client, you can share the secure link to their client Overview page. To include a client's secure URL with your help request:
- Navigate to the client's Overview page
- In the web browser, highlight and copy the secure client URL
- Paste the secure URL in the secure client URL field in your help request
If you have an existing help request, you can copy and paste the secure client URL in a reply to our team. As long as you're using the secure client URL, your client's information will remain secure.
Tip: You can share more than one secure URL if you have the same question across two or more clients.
Sharing a secure claim URL
If you’re referencing a specific claim, you can share the secure link to the claim itself. To include a client's secure claim URL with your help request:
- Navigate to the specific claim in question
- In the web browser, highlight and copy the secure claim URL
Note: If you're using Safari, click into the URL field to copy the entire secure URL.
- Paste the secure URL in the secure claim URL field in your help request
If you have an existing help request, you can copy and paste the secure claim URL in a reply email. As long as you're using the secure claim URL, your client's information will remain secure.
Tip: You can include more than one secure URL if you have the same question across two or more claims.