The Billing and Insurance pages provide insightful data that can help you keep track of client and insurance billing.
In this guide, we’ll cover:
To view billing information, click the Billing tab from the left navigation menu:
Recent activity
When you click the Billing tab, you’ll see the Recent activity tab by default. This tab shows all transactions from the last 30 days. This includes all sessions, invoices, refunds, as well as all client and insurance payments.
To view additional billing activity, you can expand the date range. To do this:
- Click the date range at the top of the page
- Select new dates
- Click Apply
You can also export a spreadsheet of the transactions from the Recent activity tab.
Important: This file contains protected health information (PHI), so make sure to manage it with care.
To do this:
- Navigate to Billing > Recent activity
- Click Export payments
Select the Since last export or Select date range option
- Since last export will populate all transactions dated after your last export
- Select date range will populate all transactions within a specific date range
- Choose the file type (Quickbooks or CSV)
- Click Export
The exported file will contain each transaction’s date, type, amount, and the associates client's name.
Note: Any recent version of QuickBooks should support an exported QuickBooks spreadsheet of the Recent activity. If you run into any issues, you’ll need to enter this information manually into your QuickBooks account.
Billing documents
The Billing documents tab shows a record of all your clients’ invoices, superbills, and statements.
Note: To learn more about our billing documents, see Understanding invoices, statements, and superbills.
This tab details the:
- Client’s Name
- Type of billing document
Client's default Delivery Method
- This will reflect the Email Billing Notifications setting for the client
- Status of the billing document
- Date the document was created
A billing document can have the following statuses:
Sent: The document has been shared with the client via email or the Client Portal
- This status will also display if you use the Export PDF option for a document
Not sent: The document hasn’t been shared with the client via email or the Client Portal
- This status typically appears for invoices created for clients with a manual delivery method
Pending: The document has been created, but hasn’t been exported or sent to your client
- This status may appear for invoices created for clients with automated delivery methods
Exported: The document has been created, but hasn’t been sent to your client
- This status will usually appear for superbills and statements
Using the filters at the top of the page, you can filter this report by:
- Searching a client's name
- Date range
Document type
- Select the View all drop down to select a specific document type
You’re also able to export your billing documents. To do this:
- Filter the date range to include any specific documents
- Check the boxes for each document you’d like to export
- Click Export PDF
Note: If you’d like to share the exported PDF of billing documents, see How to share billing documents with clients.
Card transactions
Important: The Card transactions report is only available if you have an active Online Payments account in SimplePractice. To set up Online Payments, navigate to Settings > Payment processing > Online payments, and follow the steps found in Getting Started with Online Payments.
If you’ve signed up for an Online Payments account, you can access the Card transactions report by navigating to Billing > Card transactions.
This tab records the following details for each card transaction:
- Date
- Client charged
Type of charge
- This is either a Charge or a Refund
- This is the gross amount charged before the Online Payments fee is deducted
Fee associated
- This is the Online Payments processing fee associated with each successful transaction
Net amount
- This is the amount remaining after the Online Payments fee has been deducted from the gross amount
To view additional transaction details for each charge or refund, click Details.
The Transaction Details page will include:
Charge Details
- Payment ID
Statement descriptor
- This is the information that’s shown on the client's bank statement
- You can learn more about statement descriptors in Business Details
- Amount
- Fee
- Net
- Date
- Payout
Card Details
- Card ID
- Name on the card
- This will only display the last 4 digits of the card
- If a CVC check took place
- Expiration date
- Type of card
You can filter this tab by date range, or by a specific client by entering the client’s name in the search bar. You can also filter by transaction status if you click All types and select a status from the dropdown menu.
To export this report, click Export transactions in the upper right corner of the tab.
Note: We'll send you an email when the file is ready for you to download.
To download the file, navigate to Settings > Practice > Data export and click Ready for download next to the export:
Tip: Exporting your Card transactions report is recommended if you'd like to compile and organize information, such as credit card processing fees, outside of your SimplePractice account.
To begin viewing insurance billing information, select the Insurance tab from the left navigation menu:
Unbilled appointments
The Unbilled appointments tab lists all insurance appointments that currently don’t have a claim created. This list is organized by client and shows the last 30 days by default.
This tab details:
- The number of Appointments that are unbilled for the client
- Client name
- Insurance Payer
- Number of Clinician(s) the client has seen
- Total charged, which reflects the total fees of the unbilled appointments
Clicking the arrow next to a client reveals the following of each unbilled appointment:
- Date
- CPT code(s)
- Modifier(s)
- Place of Service code
- Name of the clinician of the appointment
- Appointment's fee
Note: You can also create batch claims of unbilled appointments through this tab. For more information, see Creating batch claims.
You can use the drop down menus to filter unbilled appointments by:
- Date range
- Insurance payer
- Clinician
- Note status of the appointment
The Claims tab lists all the claims created within the last 30 days by default.
Note: To learn more about claims, see Filing primary claims in SimplePractice.
This tab details the following for each claim:
Date created
- This reflects the date the claim was created, and not the date of service on the claim
- Client
- Claim Status
Any additional Status detail
- This may reflect a rejection or scrub message for the claim [check if accepted or denied also has status details]
Days submitted
- This reflects the number of days since the claim was submitted
You can use additional filters to search for a client’s name in the search bar, or use the drop down menus to filter by:
- Date range
- Insurance payer
- Client
Claim type
- This is either Primary or Secondary
- Claim status
Note: For further information on each claim status, see Checking a claim status: The different phases of an insurance claim.
The Payments tab lists insurance payments from all payers within the last 30 days by default.
Note: To learn more about insurance payments, see Adding insurance payments.
This tab includes the following details for each insurance payment:
- Date
- Insurance Payer
- Payment reference number
- Total Paid amount
Unallocated amount
- This reflects the total amount that’s not associated with an appointment in the insurance payment
Note: For more information on unallocated amounts in insurance payments, see How to resolve unallocated insurance payment amounts.
You can filter this page by:
- Date range
- Insurance payer
- For more information on unallocated payments, see How to resolve unallocated insurance payment amounts