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Understanding the new Billing settings experience

Understanding the new Billing settings experience

We’ve relocated and redesigned practice-wide billing settings with the intention of making important features related to billing automations, services, insurance billing, and payment processing more easily accessible. When making these updates, our team kept our customers’ needs top of mind, to make sure the updates to your billing settings are relevant, useful, and beneficial to maintaining organized billing workflows.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

Note: For more information on the entire settings update, see Navigating the new settings experience.

Client billing and insurance

The Client billing and insurance section is where you can manage your settings related to billing document automations, managed billing, and insurance payers in SimplePractice. We made these standalone pages and grouped them together to streamline the process for setting up and updating practice-wide billing information. 

Client billing documents

Previously, client billing documents and automation settings were available at Settings > Billing and Services > Settings.


With the new settings experience, you'll find these settings under Settings > Client billing and insurance > Client billing documents


Insurance documents

With the original settings experience, insurance documents were located at Settings > Billing and Services > Insurance.


Now, at Settings > Client billing and insurance > Insurance documents, you’ll see Claim and superbill settings, Service Facility Location details, Billing provider info, and Billing Profiles



Your SimplePractice insurance payers list was located under Settings > Insurance.

insurancepayers.simplepractice.oldsettings.pngThe insurance payers list is now under Settings > Client billing and insurance > Payers to make the page more easily identifiable. 


Managed billing

For customers using managed billing, these settings were found as a tab under Settings > Billing and Services > Managed billing.


Note: For more information about managed billing, see Managed billing in SimplePractice.

To locate the managed billing page using the new settings experience, navigate to Settings > Client billing and insurance > Managed billing.


Payment processing

Previously, the Online payments settings and AutoPay were accessible from separate places in SimplePractice. Now, we’ve grouped these together under Payment processing to simplify the process of setting up AutoPay after creating an Online payments account. 

Online payments

Previously, Online payments account information was located as a tab under Settings > Billing and services > Online payments.


To create an Online payments account or edit an existing one, you can now navigate to Settings > Payment processing > Online payments



With the original settings experience, the toggle to enable or disable AutoPay was at the bottom of the page when navigating to Settings > Billing and Services > Settings.


To make it easier to locate and adjust these settings, AutoPay is now a standalone page at Settings > Payment processing > AutoPay. 


Services and products

Previously, the settings related to service codes and customized products were housed on separate tabs within the same settings page of your account. These are now accessible on separate pages under Services and products, making it easier to locate and update these to fit your practice needs. 


Using the original settings experience, your practice service codes could be found by navigating to Settings > Billing and Services > Services.


Now, you can navigate to Settings > Services and products > Services to edit, add, and remove service codes from your SimplePractice account.



Previously, products could be found as a tab under Settings > Billing and Services > Products


With the new settings experience, your products are a standalone page at Settings > Services and products > Products


Note: To learn more about the Client Care and Operations settings sections, see Understanding the new Client Care settings experience and Understanding the new Operations settings experience.

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