We’ve relocated and redesigned settings related to practice-wide operations with the intention of making key features more easily accessible, and grouping together related settings. When making these updates, our team kept our customers’ needs top of mind, to make sure the updates to your account settings are relevant, useful, and beneficial to running a successful practice.
In this guide, we’ll cover the categories nested under Operations:
Note: For more information on the entire settings update, see Navigating the new settings experience.
The Profile section includes all relevant information for your profile, including your personal and security information, clinical information, and email notification preferences. Previously, these settings were available under either the Practice Management or Account settings section. We grouped these together and made them each standalone pages, to make it easier to find your clinical settings and set up your profile to best suit your practice’s needs.
Profile and security
The Profile & Security page used to include two tabs: Personal and Clinical.
With the new settings experience, you’ll see this page at Settings > Profile > Profile and security, with the Clinical tab no longer nested under this page. For more information on accessing your clinical information settings, see Clinical info below.
The Profile and security page still includes your SimplePractice profile, SimplePractice security, and Profile photo.
Clinical info
Previously, Clinical information was a tab on the Profile & Security page.
Now, it's a separate page nested under Settings > Profile > Clinical info. You can manage your Clinician information and Licenses from this page.
Daily update emails
Previously, settings related to the Daily Agenda and Evening Summary emails were located under Settings > Notifications.
The settings for these emails are now nested under Settings > Profile > Daily update emails.
The Practice section includes settings related to your practice details, locations, subscription plan information, and demo client. It also includes uploaded business files and the page to export your practice data.
We’ve centralized these features in the new settings experience to make it easier to update details related to your practice, upload business documents, and export your data from one convenient location.
Practice details
Previously, your My Practice page included two tabs: Details and Locations.
These tabs included your Practice information, Cancellation policy, Locations, and Billing addresses.
Under Settings > Practice > Practice details, you’ll now see your Practice information, Locations, and Billing addresses all on one page.
As you scroll down, you’ll see physical and Telehealth office locations, followed by Billing addresses:
Note: Your Cancellation policy can now be adjusted at Settings > Scheduling > Calendar. For more information on the Client Care settings, see Understanding the new Client Care settings experience.
Business files
The Business Files page was located under Documents & Files, grouped together with other documentation settings pages.
Now, you can navigate to Settings > Practice > Business files to upload practice-related documentation.
Plan info
Your Subscription Information previously included two tabs: Billing and Invoices.
The new Plan info page at Settings > Practice > Plan info includes details on your current plan, any account add-ons, and any subscription receipts.
Data export
With the original settings experience, you would find the Data Export page under your Account settings.
Now, this page is grouped together with your other practice settings at Settings > Practice > Data export.
Demo client
The setting to disable or enable your default client, Jamie Appleseed, used to be found under Settings > Demo Data.
Now, you can navigate to Settings > Practice > Demo client to switch this client on or off.
For group practices, the Team members and Payroll settings were two separate tabs on one page. To make it easier to locate the Payroll settings, we’ve separated these into standalone pages nested under the Team dropdown.
Note: Practices on the Essential or Starter plan won’t see the Team pages.
Team members
By default, the Team members page included two tabs: Team members and Payroll.
Now, if you’re enrolled in the Plus plan, you’ll see this page at Settings > Team > Team members, with Payroll settings no longer linked on the same page.
Note: If you're on the Essential or Starter plan, the Team section won't be available in your account. To add team members, upgrade to the Plus plan at Settings > Practice > Plan info.
The Payroll tab was available at Settings > Team members > Payroll.
Now, the settings to set up Pay Periods for group practices is available at Settings > Team > Payroll.
Note: To learn more about the Billing and Client Care settings sections, see Understanding the new Billing settings experience and Understanding the new Client Care settings experience.